Checklist on items before i faction change to alliance (druid, all specs).

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Hey TI! I'd like some help with infos on what items I should get before faction changing to alliance. I'd like to be as complete as I can be before changing. This is my druid (apperently in resto gear but feral spec atm). I think I got most of the pre 4.0.3a items, so it's the new items I'm wondering about. So far these pieces have made ti to my to-get-list:

Seal of argas

Sandals of sacrafice

Serpentis Gloves

Godfrey's B(r)itches

Uninsured Bracers

Garrosh Pardon

Is there anything more, quest-related I should get before going ally? And what items is there to get once I turn ally? Feral, FC, Boomkin, Resto, I'm intressted in gear for all specs.

Thx in advance!
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