Check this out, pretty cool.

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i fucking hate this fucking webstie adn I'm sick and fed up witth all yourt shit drayner and fr4nds. go fuckking take your shitty mods to a different website theyre ALL fucked up. Bragh go fuck urself :0- bitch

bragh of bragh

you love to ban

you need tyo get a fucking tan you european peice of shit

best of all

you can take a hit from a ball? nah nvm u fucking take em up the ass all the time

shut the fuck up

shut thre fuck up

shut the fuck up

shut the fuck up

have fun drinking wine and acting like you knew how to play a druid, fuck off trash


banning bigbullox after he donated nd did all he could to help this site, just because he thoiught this site was CORRUPT BITCH

Drayner you're not good

bragh loves you

peace out, jailbot nd crili plzzz talk to me on Mannoroth A

ur gd friend novascotia tink
novascotia said:
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer immmmmmmmmm tttttttttinkytoooooooooooooooooooezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz unbannabllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

fuck yeah seaking!
L t A A F s every where yo.

Pointless thread is pointless, WTB - Thread Removal.
I can't believe I haven't been banned yet.

Shit is so cash.
Naw, I won't delete this thread. Idiot is just venting to compensate for whatever deficiencies he has in his life. Nerd rage is totally understandable.

I don't understand what he's spewing out though. There is only 1 piece of intelligible text here and I know what he is talking about sort of...

banning bigbullox after he donated nd did all he could to help this site, just because he thoiught this site was CORRUPT BITCH

I don't know who banned him since I did not, but he asked me to a couple weeks ago.

Druiddroid said:
this did not meet my expectations of "pretty cool"

Ya, I was a little disappointed in it too. I totally expected to see some sort of cool video or something. I see this shit in the ruin forums everyday.

1/10 for content. 3/10 for effort.
Admin said:
Naw, I won't delete this thread. Idiot is just venting to compensate for whatever deficiencies he has in his life. Nerd rage is totally understandable.

I see I see.
lol love the misguided nerd rage. get sum fax straight
Admin said:
Naw, I won't delete this thread. Idiot is just venting to compensate for whatever deficiencies he has in his life. Nerd rage is totally understandable.

I don't understand what he's spewing out though. There is only 1 piece of intelligible text here and I know what he is talking about sort of...

I don't know who banned him since I did not, but he asked me to a couple weeks ago.


Bigbullox said:
Deleted this thread. too many trolls and flamers on twinkinfo, mods not enforcing code of conduct.

fuck you drayner
Novascotia said:
fuck you drayner

Duckhunt, I think he loves the site so much he wants to be banned so he can break the addiction. Ok. Np. Site would be better off without people like Novascotia or whatever this kid's name is.
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