Character Restoring


I once played a 19 druid in through TBC and into WotLK, but stopped a short time after the exp on/off was implanted. This druid had all sorts of cool stuff, some that are now gf'ed, like a big number of goggles with many different head enchants (some exploited), Seal of Wrynn and much more. Unfortunately I deleted it when I stopped playing it, and it is now so long time ago, that I apparently cannot get it restored... I have asked the GM's if they could give all the items that my druid had, to another char of mine, but they said that if the items are not in their database, they won'e be able to. So my question is if anyone have succeeded with this? Getting a lost character restored, or the items moved. And if I should keep submitting tickets and hoping for a nice GM?
I highly doubt you will get your items back. I also had a 19 druid from back in BC/WOTLK with alot of gf´d stuff, etc, etc. I deleted him tho, but later asked for the druid to get restored. It took 1 month from when I deleted it untill I wanted it restored again. The GM said that lower level characters didn´t get restored in their database as long as higher level characters, so I ended up not getting the druid back. I then asked to get the items restored, but no. They wouldn´t do that.

GL tho :)
Well, I know for a fact anything below 60 has a "time-limit", if you will. That after a certain time has passed the data for that character will be wiped. It's completely possible for anything above level 60 though, close friend of mine restored her 61 Priest that had a vanilla PvP title a few weeks ago. ( Deleted in BC )

Sorry to hear about your character loss v.v
I know for sure that my characters data has been wiped, the GM told me, but the question is if I would be able to make a GM recover my druids items and give them, say, to another 19 druid on my acc :)
im gonna guess 0% chance of that happening since ur basically looking for a gm who will just be trusting you enough to give you free items on a toon, since all the data of ur old char and any items they had is long gone. doubt anyone is that nice
Thought so :( Gonna keep trying tho :) :)

I went through a similar situation where I deleted a grandfathered 19 in the beginning of WotLK with private title and tried to get it restored sometime during cataclysm, blizzard staff said they couldn't do it because the character info was no longer in their database. I wish you the best of luck though!
I went through a similar situation where I deleted a grandfathered 19 in the beginning of WotLK with private title and tried to get it restored sometime during cataclysm, blizzard staff said they couldn't do it because the character info was no longer in their database. I wish you the best of luck though!
Thank you :)

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