Changes affecting 29 twinks in Patch 3.1 (Comprehensive)

Changes affecting 29 Twinks in Patch 3.1

Naxxramas Enchants, Greater Inscription of the Gladiator shoulder enchants (+30 Stamina, +15 resilience) and all the Leg Armors (Clefthide, Nethercleft, Nethercobra, Golden Spellthread, etc.) no longer increase the stats of players below level 60. Professions buffs now scale with level, so no more Rank 6 Lifeblood... Also, some changes to Enchants are being made, not enough information about this to post anything currently... also, the Arena Grand Master trinket now gives +12 Stamina instead of +12 dodge rating.

ALSO NOTE: The above changes are currently on the PTR's (Public Test Realms) only, and there is no guarantee these changes will make it all the way to Live...

Please let me know if you find any errors or have anything to add, or if you have any questions/comments. Thanks =)


-A new Gear Manager feature has been added. Players will now be able to save gear sets for easy gear switching.

-BATTLEGROUNDS: Players will now be able to que for Battlegrounds from ANYWHERE in the world.


-Improved MotW now increases your attributes by 1/2% (Restoration)

New Talents/Spells:

No new talents affecting Twinks.


-Improved Wing Clip: Removed (Beast Mastery)

-Frost Trap: if the target that triggers Frost Trap is immune to it's effect, the Frost Trap area effect will not be triggered.

-Improved Aspect of the Hawk: now has a new spell effect (Beast Mastery)

-Disengage: Cooldown raised to 30 seconds.


-Poison Spit (Serpent) now reduces casting speed by 25% (Down from 50%)

New Talents/Spells:

-Trap Launcher: When activated, your next trap will be launched instantly at your enemy target. 1 minute cooldown.


-Auras will now persist through death.

-Blessing of Kings is now trainable at level 20: removed from talent trees

-Benediction (Retribution) now affects Hand of Reckoning.

New Talents/Spells:

-Divinity: increases healing done by you and to you by 1/2/3/4/5%


-Improved Power Word: Fortitude: Now increases your total stamina by 2%/4% (Discipline)

-Unbreakable Will: Increased from 3/6/9/12/15% to 6/12/18/24/30% (Discipline)

-Blackout: This talent has been removed (Shadow)

-Darkness: This talent is now in Tier 1, moved up from Tier 6 (Shadow)

New Talents/Spells:

No new Talents affecting 29 twinks


-Lightning Reflexes: reduced to 3 ranks for 2/4/6% dodge and 4/7/10% Melee Haste (Combat)

New Talents/Spells:

No new Rogue Talents


-Poison Cleansing Totem and Disease Cleansing totem have been merged into "Cleansing Totem" which pulses every 3 seconds, down from every 5 seconds

-Toughness: No longer increases your armor, but increases your stamina by 2/4/6/8/10% (Enhancement)

New Talents:

No new Shaman Talents affecting 29 Twinks


-Suppression: Now increases your chance to hit with all spells (Affliction)

-Mana Feed: This talent is now a 1-point talent, down from 3-points. Now is the 21-point talent in Demonology. Now grants 100% mana return to your pet, up from 33/66/100% (Demonology)

-Aftermath re-designed: Increases the periodic damage done by your Immolate by 3/6%, and your Conflagrate has a 50/100% chance to daze the target for 5 sec (Destruction)

-Cataclysm: Now reduces the mana cost of Destruction spells by 4/7/10%. No longer increases the chance to hit. (Destruction)

-Improved Immolate: Now increases the damage done by your Immolate by 10/20/30%, rather than just the direct damage. (Destruction)

-Molten Core (Moved from Destruction to Demonology)

New Talents/Spells:

-Molten Skin: Reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%. (Demonology)



-Mercurial Stone is no longer a required tool for Alchemists. It is now a green quality BoE trinket. (No information on stats or level requirements).

-Elixir of Minor Accuracy (Hit Rating)


-Enchant Boots: Lesser Accuracy (Hit Rating)


-Amulet of True Sight (Level 29 requirement, 11 Hit Rating)


-Spidersilk Drape (Level 19 requirement, 4 stamina, 4 hit rating, 4 spellpower)


- Glyph of Holy Light: Can no longer crit and has had its range updated.

- Glyph of Mocking Blow correctly increases damage of the ability by 25%.

- Glyph of Shocking's tooltip has been corrected.

- Glyph of Sprint no longer reduces the duration.

- Glyph of Heroic Strike re-worked:Now increases the critical chance of Heroic Strike by 5%

- Glyph of Overpower: 100% chance to enable your overpower when an attack is parried, up from


-Glyph of Exorcism: causes the Exorcism spell to interrupt spell casting and silence for 2 seconds.

Bug Fixes:

-Dartol's Rod of Transformation now has it's correct tooltip.

-Yaaaar! now has a detailed tooltip.

Full patch notes:
Vigilante said:
Blessing of Kings is now trainable at level 20: removed from talent trees
Will you still have to spec prot to get improved BoK?

and that affects 19s quite a bit. 10% BoK is really nice for twinks because of the their unnaturally high attributes. if a rogue has 130 agility, BoK gives 13 agility, which is arguably better dps support than BoM, and most certainly better when you consider the strength and stamina as well.
fuzzles said:
Will you still have to spec prot to get improved BoK?

and that affects 19s quite a bit. 10% BoK is really nice for twinks because of the their unnaturally high attributes. if a rogue has 130 agility, BoK gives 13 agility, which is arguably better dps support than BoM, and most certainly better when you consider the strength and stamina as well.

I believe both Blessing of Kings and Improved Blessing of Kings have been removed from the talent trees... maybe the trainable version will be buffed to be the same as improved was?
Conrose said:
MMO-Champion hss them up next to the class changes headers.

Thanks, I found them, and I will be making some changes to the "New Talents" section for each class, considering that I now have that additional info.
Anyone have any info on the new changes to proffs like Blacksmithing/Engineering etc? Didn't post because I didn't find any real info.

* Alchemy - Elixir of Minor Accuracy

* Enchanting - Enchant Boots - Lesser Accuracy, Enchant Staff - Greater Spellpower, Enchant Staff - Spellpower

* Jewelcrafting - Amulet of True Sight

* Leatherworking - Belt of Arctic Life, Belt of Dragons, Blue Belt of Chaos, Boots of Living Scale, Boots of Wintry Endurance, Death-warmed Belt, Footpads of Silence, Lightning Grounded Boots

* Tailoring - Spidersilk Drape


No talent changes effecting 29s but


Glyph of Heroic Strike -- Increases the critical strike chance of Heroic Strike by 5%. (Old: You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability.)

Glyph of Overpower -- Adds a 100% chance to enable your Overpower when your attacks are parried. (Old: 50%)

it may be of note that blizzard is looking into increasing warrior dps through slam or overpower:not stated specifics yet
holy crap could that make glyph of overpower good? all of the sudden i'm not comlpetely sure about glyph of hamstring
clinical said:

* Alchemy - Elixir of Minor Accuracy

* Enchanting - Enchant Boots - Lesser Accuracy, Enchant Staff - Greater Spellpower, Enchant Staff - Spellpower

* Jewelcrafting - Amulet of True Sight

* Leatherworking - Belt of Arctic Life, Belt of Dragons, Blue Belt of Chaos, Boots of Living Scale, Boots of Wintry Endurance, Death-warmed Belt, Footpads of Silence, Lightning Grounded Boots

* Tailoring - Spidersilk Drape


No talent changes effecting 29s but


Glyph of Heroic Strike -- Increases the critical strike chance of Heroic Strike by 5%. (Old: You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability.)

Glyph of Overpower -- Adds a 100% chance to enable your Overpower when your attacks are parried. (Old: 50%)

it may be of note that blizzard is looking into increasing warrior dps through slam or overpower:not stated specifics yet

Thanks for that: will add the info to the appropriate sections.
Poison Spit (Serpent) now affects target casting speed by 25%, instead of 50%.

This is kind of a big deal for those of us who used serpents to help slow down healers.
Beachcomber said:
Poison Spit (Serpent) now affects target casting speed by 25%, instead of 50%.

This is kind of a big deal for those of us who used serpents to help slow down healers.

Will add that as well, I suppose I should make a "Pet" sub-section under hunter for pet changes... thanks for the info =)
I've heard that the BC enchants may be switched to a item level 40+ requirement, anyone know anything more about this?
Just noticed on the front page that +100 health will now require level 30... do you guys think that +150 health will now require level 40+?
Vigilante said:
Just noticed on the front page that +100 health will now require level 30... do you guys think that +150 health will now require level 40+?

Mmm, I haven't heard anything on +6 Stats or +150 HP, but I'm almost sure they will be keeping that a requirement of 35+. Who knows, I guess we'll have to wait for the patch to come and keep our fingers crossed.

Since 100HP is getting nerfed, I guess we'll have to stick with 75HP to chest instead, doesn't really matter, this nerf effects all twinks, not just you.
Mangone said:
What will happen to those that already have the 100 to chest and are below 30?

You will see the enchant [+100HP] on your chest item, but you will not get the Hit Point count because you are not level 30, so saying that, the enchant is useless and does not give you the stats until you level to the item it requires, Level 30+.

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