Caverndeep Trudgers

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if you agree with me and believe this item is not able to drop because the loot table is bugged you can post here -

Caverndeep Trudgers - Forums - World of Warcraft

more posts = more attention = possible fix or at least we can get a strait answer and know this item is removed from the loot table.
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somebody please bump the thread there's no reason these should be impossible to find for people rolling strength classes.
I got a pair off AH a few weeks ago and keep looking for the seller but have not seen him on to ask if it was a recent drop. Also got a pair from a gm a few months ago but that don't really mean much.
everything in gnomer does indeed drop. I think over the course of my runs I've gotten everything at least once except for hotshot pilots gloves. Damn that gun and axe for dropping 14 times though.
What's the market price for a pair of these boots?
If you are on a server with Twinks 7k or so i would assume. If you are not then 75-100 gold.

The ones you can get from AB vendor at 28 are better.
Uhm, we're talking about 24s aren't we?
Yes. But that is just a reason why they have no real worth on a server that isn't big on 24s or twinking in general.
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