Cataclysm Twinking


The new changes to the talent system look very, very good for 19 twinks. It should get much more fun then it is today.

Anyway I was curious on opinions about running semi twinked in xp on bgs. How much can xp should I expect per match and is it frowned upon. With all new BOA gear filling out most slots, decent enchants on all that gear combined with minimal work to get the other pieces it could be fun to face roll every so often the reroll and do it again. The worgen racial should be especially nice for this as well.

Is it wrong to play this way?
The new changes to the talent system look very, very good for 19 twinks. It should get much more fun then it is today.

Anyway I was curious on opinions about running semi twinked in xp on bgs. How much can xp should I expect per match and is it frowned upon. With all new BOA gear filling out most slots, decent enchants on all that gear combined with minimal work to get the other pieces it could be fun to face roll every so often the reroll and do it again. The worgen racial should be especially nice for this as well.

Is it wrong to play this way?

You are pathetic.
pilgrim said:
The new changes to the talent system look very, very good for 19 twinks. It should get much more fun then it is today.

Anyway I was curious on opinions about running semi twinked in xp on bgs. How much can xp should I expect per match and is it frowned upon. With all new BOA gear filling out most slots, decent enchants on all that gear combined with minimal work to get the other pieces it could be fun to face roll every so often the reroll and do it again. The worgen racial should be especially nice for this as well.

Is it wrong to play this way?

I don't choose to enjoy the game in the way you described but everyone is going to enjoy the game differently so do whatever you want. When making a twink everyone (most everyone) plays in XP-ON brackets especially at the later levels 17-19, I did it on my mage to get some of the more difficult achievements like the 5 returns in 1 game and iron man. When I level up sometimes I actually turn XP-off around lvl 16 and 18 to get key pieces like Seal of wrynn and many of the dungeon items so I can save my XP for some xp-on BG fun. XP-on bg's are a great place to begin to learn jumps. Some people make "paper twinks" which is essentially all white gear with enchants coupled with BOA items, this will put you above average and save you a lot of money in the long run. Also herbing until about 150 would get you a decent heal without the hard work of getting to 225, that's the one thing you should definately put a little bit of work into if you want to be set apart from most levelers. If you are on a low-pop server camp the AGM so in between matches you could maybe get AGM. If you want to maximize the XP-on facerolling you will probably have to do what has recently become known to me as "flag hawking" or holding the flag without capping, while running around killing people.
Grabco said:
<lots of words>

i used to queue xp-on BGs on my rogue. i got a ton of the good achievements. the only one i am missing is quick cap and im never getting that..
Quelfep said:
i used to queue xp-on BGs on my rogue. i got a ton of the good achievements. the only one i am missing is quick cap and im never getting that..

excuse my ignorance but can you only receive certain achievements in exp open wsg?
rivalwild said:
excuse my ignorance but can you only receive certain achievements in exp open wsg?

its not like you CANT, its just impossible. all the twinks in the xp-off BGs simply wont allow you to have your achievement
Quelfep said:
its not like you CANT, its just impossible. all the twinks in the xp-off BGs simply wont allow you to have your achievement

wow, the games are that good, eh?
Quelfep said:
frenzied is easy if you are O

I don't see many people with 5 returns in 1 game in XP-off bg's. I've seen 4 a couple of times but not 5
i've seen a couple people with fenzied, but i havent seen it attained myself. They other two arent too hard at all. Quick cap requires alittle luck and speed pot+sprint/charge/speedkitty/speedwolf etc, but its do able, and wrecking ball isnt too hard either, i even had it on my original druid. Just get yourself a pocket healer and you're set. I nearly got this today on my warrior while rolling "solo", i.e. without my own personal healer, luckily our O was pretty decent.
they should make no exp pvp achievements "heroic" haha
My rogue got master of WSG in exp off BG exclusively. If you play objectives and aren't afraid to run the flag you will get them all eventually.
He's "RIVALWILD! THE AMAZING MEXICAN TWINK WITH 8 POSTS!" You know, that guy from the forums with the posts that say things?

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