Cataclysm: The end of STV arena as we know it

Today I looked through some forums and a topic about spells in Cataclysm and saw this

Summon Gurubashi Challenger - Summon a challenger to fight you inside the Battle Ring in the Cape of Stranglethorn.

It looks like the STV arena is going to redone, and the arena master is probably not going to drop anymore.

Keep in mind the spell is only in the Cataclysm Alpha and can be changed or removed when the expansion arrives.

EDIT: I also found this

Drop Skull - Drops a skull on the ground. You must be carrying a Gurubashi Skull.

EDIT2: I got news regarding this topic it looks like there's on new quest involving the arena on the alpha

or its a completely different place or maybe even the same place but instance phased. sounds like its gonna be the next ring of blood/lk version...a perfect way to gain great xp and a sweet weapon, if they follow the precedent. could be in the arena, or could be a completely different place.
I have no clue what they're doing w/ STV Arena but with all the talk on revamping the old world I wouldn't be surprised if AGM is removed altogether. Remember Blizz's main goal is providing lvl 85 content (while not making it completely difficult to level). I would venture to guess that they're not going to consider twinking at all when it comes time to make decisions like this. If they dream up some great way to utilize the arena for 85s then we could easily see the end of AGM.

McBankington said:
that threads 3x as stupid.

Yet you appear to be the biggest poster in that thread... :p

More discussion on STV arena and less non-sense. Anyone that's been on Alpha seen anything that would indicate what direction they may be going w/ the arena?

McBankington said:

looks the same.

Thank you sir! Now we're getting somewhere...Guess we'll just have to wait and see if it changes before retail.


Edit: Are there any NPCs in the Alpha or is it just the terrain?
Now, although it looks the same ... it does have a different name (which doesn't mean anything at all ... but just another thing to keep in mind) "The Great Arena" vs "The Gurubashi Arena" hmm ...
Spooksters said:
Now, although it looks the same ... it does have a different name (which doesn't mean anything at all ... but just another thing to keep in mind) "The Great Arena" vs "The Gurubashi Arena" hmm ...

i lold .
McBankington said:
that threads 3x as stupid.

this thread is 50x stupider.

1. its alpha

2. nobody here is friends or family with a blizzard employee (and even if you were, who can give out an invite/how many do they have)

3. not to mention there's you sign a nda for alpha, so if they did post here bye bye alpha key & possible legal action. worth it?

4. mcbanks pic is from a sandbox version im guessing, refer to pts 3 and 4 for why i think that assumption is safe. its not the same as real alpha.

5. refer to my earlier post that this could be another, new arena where you do 4-5 quests in a row killing people a la ring of blood in nagrand, and the one in zul'drek. much more likely imo. i see no reason why they'd remove AGM, especially since theres an achievement for it iirc.

6. blizzard doesnt give a shit about twinks. never did, and certainly dont now they added xp to bgs and ignore ideas to help with all the people effected by it. they were always impartial, now we see their true colors. that being said, refer to earlier points why i dont think arena is in jeopardy of changing

p.s. everything is subject to change. speculate moar!
NPCs aren't spawned in the sand boxes. I could look around at the gates inside the actual arena, but I cba to. I know they used to have no actual wall from the inside once you got past the wooden bars and you could walk underground from there, but if this is true then blizzard would probably modify the gates since that seems the only logical place for people to come from.
Inkobah said:
It was only 3x stupider...then you showed up. Now it's 50x stupider?? /Suspicious


no it was 50x stupider just for being made. MOAR SPECULATION PL0X.

but every time you post it just gets stupider....
These threads, whether speculation or not, are good. It would be worse if people would just spread lies about Cataclysm in-game where there is no verification.
Rayu said:
These threads, whether speculation or not, are good. It would be worse if people would just spread lies about Cataclysm in-game where there is no verification.

but this is just spreading lies with no verification. it would be better if there was none of this
Falkor said:
but this is just spreading lies with no verification. it would be better if there was none of this

We're just trying to answer the question with the facts we got. These are just theories...nothing else. Why can't we theorize about what's going to happen with X in the game?

I do think you bring some valid points though about the "Alpha" not being a reliable source. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, unless someone has better evidence than what we got now.

Inkobah said:
We're just trying to answer the question with the facts we got. These are just theories...nothing else. Why can't we theorize about what's going to happen with X in the game?

I do think you bring some valid points though about the "Alpha" not being a reliable source. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, unless someone has better evidence than what we got now.


what facts? what evidence? you arent theorizing youre blathering.

you are free to do what you want, but that doesnt mean theres a point. nobody here knows whats happening in alpha or what blizzards intended changes are. and if somebody does, well they legally cant tell obviously we'll just have to wait and see until open beta comes out, and even thats not final.

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