Caster class?


Hello fellow twinkers.
I am interested in coming back to this bracket with all the activity I've been seeing! My friend told me that enhancement shamans have been nerfed through the ground for this bracket, however, I haven't seen many other people comment on this? Is it true? Is my favourite class/spec ruined? :(

If so, would anyone recommend a fun caster class? I'm thinking mage or warlock at the moment, however I'm definitely up for other suggestions if people can throw them at me. :eek:
I play mage and it is a lot of fun.
Yeppers, enhancement sucks donkey cock, But i'm loving elemental. My Choice's are elemental shammy or des lock.
Mages should be a lot of fun if you can play them :D
Never ever played a warlock in my time with World of Warcraft.
Enhancer got raped xD but frostmage is funny if you know how do you play this specc, WL are cool too but i've never test a WL at 19.
Warlocks are SO MUCH FUN. Either Destro, which does kinda have some ridiculous burst at the moment, but lacks mobility. Or Demo is somewhat viable too, it's got awesome mobility and it's definitely completely different to the way any other caster class is played at 19.

Fear is still awesome and can win you a lot of fights.

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