Careful what you post on official forums!

and it seems like Blizzard is deleting multiple posts. The one thing that would help is if someone could get posts on sites such as, and mmo-champion, elitestjerks, etc... calling out Blizzard on not listening to the community in any manner would help.

balael said:
and it seems like Blizzard is deleting multiple posts. The one thing that would help is if someone could get posts on sites such as, and mmo-champion, elitestjerks, etc... calling out Blizzard on not listening to the community in any manner would help.


I've just had my thread deleted from the PTR forums thrice. Here's the text:

I have just learned that several twink-related threads are being deleted, and players are getting forum-banned simply for opening discussion on the changes taking place in the new PTR.

Now, I’ve been a paying customer since December 2004 (a month after release) with one account, and I purchased a second account about three months later for my wife, who wanted to share the game with me.

I am a dedicated, loyal customer: I have spent several hundred dollars transferring toons from one account to another, one realm to another, in addition to nearly two-thousand dollars in monthly subscription fees.

I have participated in gear grinds and endgame content pre-BC (farming MC, BWL and Ony), BC, and now WoTLK. Gear grinding has gotten boring, and I was on the verge of terminating both subscriptions when a friend introduced me to twinking—this is how I choose to play my game today—spending my time grinding gold to fund my twinks, rather than play the new, inadequate endgame content.

I find it disturbing that Blizzard would make such drastic changes that will affect such a large core base of players (yes, most twinks are dissatisfied high level players whose subscriptions to the game are hanging by a thread) without giving us fair warning to the ability to voice our concerns.

This thread is less about the changes—which I will say are semi-disastrous in my opinion—but I think trying to silence the growing din of frustrated players is the last straw. If I’m treated poorly as a customer at a restaurant, I will never patronize that restaurant again—no matter how good the food is. If I am treated poorly as a customer in an MMORPG, I will take my business to another, and so will others.
Saying you're a paying customer, in my experience, has always been a bad idea. Everyone there is a paying customer. =P
Jadyn said:
Saying you're a paying customer, in my experience, has always been a bad idea. Everyone there is a paying customer. =P

I don't know. Sometimes I feel reminding someone that you are paying them for a service helps. It's not like Blzzard is the federal government. They can't exactly force people to pay a WoW tax. If we don't like things we will go elsewhere where we feel our money is best spent. I know personally my 15 bucks each month is factored into my budget. It's not like it's some expense I don't notice, and if I feel I'm not getting what I paid for I'll go elsewhere.

Last I checked Blizzard was in the business of making money, and sometimes you've got to remind designers (in this case game designers) that sometimes you have to make changes based on revenue rather then a personal desire for a perfect world.

I honestly have no clue what's influencing their decision in this case, maybe they get a lot of account cancelations because of people being rolled over by twinks, but I don't have access to that information. As a paying customer I feel it's my right to remind them that I'm paying for a service and that any changes to the service may influence my continued subscription. If they choose to silence paying costumers via their forums our only voice will be with our wallets. From the looks of it Blizzard is willing to find out first hand what sort of financial influence this will have on the game.
Megamann said:
As a paying customer I feel it's my right to remind them that I'm paying for a service and that any changes to the service may influence my continued subscription.

Thank you; exactly my reason for stating it; I would do the same if I was getting shafted at a restaurant. Same difference.

Megamann said:
If they choose to silence paying costumers via their forums our only voice will be with our wallets. From the looks of it Blizzard is willing to find out first hand what sort of financial influence this will have on the game.

I have been temp-banned on my wife's account, and perma-banned on my Sunblayde account for posting the about comment three times.
Sunblayde said:
Thank you; exactly my reason for stating it; I would do the same if I was getting shafted at a restaurant. Same difference.

Hell I do it all the time if I'm not satisfied with what I paid for. I've gotten my money back on movies because of noisy people in the audience, lousy seats, and several other reasons. The movie theater understands that if I enjoy their theater or have a positive experience I'll come back and see more movies. Otherwise I'd switch to renting movies and never go back.

I'm really not sure why Blizzard thinks it's ok to censor customers with complaints. I can respect that it's their company and they can make whatever changes they like. If they intend to make more games and retain their customer base it would be wise to maybe rethink how they treat their customers. Which is why it is good to remind them that that is exactly what we are, customers.

For me personally I've always liked Blizzard as a company as they tended to cater to Mac users much more then many other gaming companies. I've always remembered that and was really excited when WoW came out because finally there was a game developer that I knew would support me. Mac users were always a small segment of the gaming population, but they treated us with respect. So these recent actions really are leaving a sour taste in my mouth, and hope that in some way they can redeem themselves in my eyes.

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