Call to Arms !

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Am calling to arms all those good players before MOP ! ALSO :

am calling all those ppl that made a difference in the game regardless of the class they played !

am calling to those who don't fight in the middle !

am calling to those that play as a team !

am calling the ppl that aren't carried by others all the time !

am calling to players that bring the game and not the class !

am calling paladins that heal and don't bubble while holding the flag !

am calling druids who don't substitute their class for gameplay !

am calling rogues that can interrrupt and understand that EFC is prio for them !

am calling to peeps to roll something other then paladinsdruids/rogues !

am calling to good hunters that don't backpeddle and know how to use their abilites !

am calling to ppl that have above 1-1.5 k HP !

am calling to those that don't brag about healing/dmg meter !

am calling to ppl that don't join with ress sickness !

am calling the ones that use chat for calling out inc's or EFC position !

am calling to those that don't emote after killing you with a help from their friends !

am calling even the 24's that are objectivly focused without hunting/farming weak f2ps' !

We don't need premades , we didn't need them before , now they just don't seem to present a challenge anymore.
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am calling even the 24's that are objectivly focused without hunting/farming weak f2ps' !

thanks for including me hun, see you in the gulch :D
am calling to those that don't emote after killing you with a help from their friends !

You are not calling me then :'(

U are calling me :)

I here to kill u and and the 24s Spriests/Rogues/Druids and 5+healers horde teams.





ps) the "Lucky charm of the Horde" theory is not mine, it's a really common one among Horde players...
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I don't get prot pallies that don't heal. I tend to have around a 7:10 healing:damage ratio in BG's.

FYI, for those that don't know me: I'm not a FotM reroll, I play a full variety of classes. I'm really bad at squishy caster classes though. I hope to improve my game.
well when horde haves 7x 24s... it haves to be.

You can always type /afk and leave instead of ruining the game for other people (considering you as fc)...
You were the only 24 in that WSG m8 ...

Cmon, Alpha don't be so harsh on him! After all he is only one of the lolliance EU (a paying and not at all the smarter one but always in alliance) and that's one of the few ways he has to survive (I guess it's different from winning?). Other would be rolling a drool and keep fleeing and fleeing and fleeing till 10stacks do him part

are u sure? post screenshot... something have made me go to the wall glitch... was it 7horde healers?


You see?
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