Call to Arms - Warsong Gulch - 15-18th September


Good evening

We will be queueing Horde 60-69 Warsong Gulch.

It would be great to see participation from both factions.

Games will start from 19:00 UK Time

If you are interested in joining you can contact me on the following channels;

In-game @ Bladelol-Mograine (Horde EU)
Discord @ Bladelol.
Battlenet @ nathaniel#2139
Games starting from 19:00 UK Time

Looking like a good amount of Horde will be participating!
Sunday night results - (Horde)

9 Wins
0 Losses

No games played on Monday evening.

Weekend results

37 Wins
1 Loss

Hope to see everyone in Arathi this weekend!

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