Builtokill’s packing guide for transfers.

Last updated 4.0.6

Hi all,

I’m writing this guide because someone suggested it here, and because I thought it would be good for people looking to transfer to have.

Also, if this could be stickied, that'd be great; don't wanna feel like I've wasted my time writing it.

Disclaimer: I am not saying this is 100% right, I’m trying to help those looking for a guide who are new to transferring. Feel free – in fact, I encourage you – to post ideas or suggestions.

To start off with, we should all know that there is a limit to the amount of gold one character is allowed to transfer. The maximum allowed varies with level, and they are as follows:

  • Level 10-30: 300 gold limit
  • Level 31-50: 1000 gold limit
  • Level 51-69: 5000 gold limit
  • Level 70 - 80: 20000 gold limit
  • Level 81+: 50000 gold limit

Note: You must be at least level 10 to transfer.

There are some other conditions, including:

  • An individual character may only be transferred once every 3 days.
  • As a security precaution, Death Knights can only be transferred once they reach level 60.

From here.

So the problem with this, is that 300 gold is really not that much (lvl 19 twink). Luckily, there are no restrictions to the items allowed to be carried across. That’s what I’m going to be listing: possible items – which sell easily, and are easy to obtain – to transfer to get around this rule.

When posting on the auction house, make sure not to flood the market, as there will always be people undercutting; thus pushing the prices down. Flooding the market will also waste money on the AH deposit; the likelihood of selling them all the first time is slim, unless the item is highly sought after.

To start off with: Gems

Gems are highly sought after by all level 80’s; they allow further customization of your character. There are tons of different types of gems, but I would recommend taking only uncut ones.

The list is as follows:

  • [item]ember topaz[/item]
  • [item]inferno Ruby[/item]
  • [item]ocean sapphire[/item]
  • [item]amberjewel[/item]
  • [item]dream emerald[/item]
  • [item]demonseye[/item]

These are just the 6 basic epic gems. There are more to choose from if these are unsuitable. Obviously, have a look at the auction house on the server you’re transferring to, and compare prices, and choose which one/s to take accordingly.

Enchanting materials will also be popular on all servers. These will include:

  • [item]Greater Celestial Essence[/item]

  • [item]Hypnotic Dust[/item]

  • [item]Greater Cosmic Essence[/item]
  • [item]Infinite Dust[/item]

If you are transferring to be with a different guild, ask them what they will supply, and just give a yell out if anyone needs anything transferred, or if they need anything which is hard to come by on their server. These may include various enchanting scrolls, or old school enchanting materials such as:

  • [item]Illusion Dust[/item]
  • [item]Large Brilliant Shard[/item]

    [*][item]Essence of Air[/item]
  • [item]Greater Eternal Essence[/item]
  • [item]Greater Nether Essence[/item]


If you are looking to transfer a large amount of money, have a look at [item]Mechano-hog[/item] (horde) or [item]Mekgineer's Chopper[/item] (Alliance) depending on your faction. [item]Vial of the sands[/item] is a great addition since cataclysm.

Or if you’re worried they’re not going to sell, there’s certain twink items you could use as well, such as:


  • [item]Shadowfang[/item]
  • [item]Assassin's Blade[/item]


  • provide feedback please :)


  • [item]Pendulum of Doom[/item]
  • [item]Shadowforge Bushmaster[/item]
  • [item]Green Lens[/item] of stamina, intellect, the eagle, the whale, the owl. The others are not worth more than 50g.
  • [item]Unearthed Bands[/item] of anything – these are quite rare


  • provide feedback please :)

Frostweave, Embersilk and Illusionary bags are good also, they go for approximately varying prices, but are always in demand.

  • [item]Frostweave Bag[/item]
  • [item]Illusionary Bag[/item]
  • [item]Embersilk Bag[/item]

If you're a tailor you could also take stacks of [item]bolt of netherweave[/item] (to save bag space) and then convert it into bags on the other server. I guarantee they will sell.

Ores and Bars are very easily acquired and can be used to diversify your products. The only downside is the cost of the deposit; If they don't sell, you will lose a lot of money.

  • [item]Mithril Bar[/item]
  • [item]Titanium Bar[/item]
  • [item]Saronite Bar[/item]
  • [item]Cobalt Bar[/item]

    The above 3 have spiked in price due to inflation, and the decrease in supply with a constant demand.
  • [item]Obsidium Bar[/item]
  • [item]Elementium Bar[/item]

Lastly, Darkmoon decks and cards. They're currently extremely good trinkets which sell for a lot and will move quickly.

  • [item]Volcanic Deck[/item]/[item]darkmoon card: volcano[/item]
  • [item]hurricane Deck[/item]/[item]darkmoon card: hurricane[/item]
  • [item]tsunami Deck[/item]/[item]darkmoon card: tsunami[/item]

Earthquake decks aren't recommended as they're only 2-3k and they really aren't that good.

So that’s it for now. Again, I encourage you to look through this list and suggest more; I will update in due time.
An individual character may only be transferred once every 3 days.

You made a typo. You said 3 days.
Frostweave bags would be nice also. They sell for about 70g on my server, i plan to bring some of those over when i transfer to ruin.

i know a player that transfered to horde for a little bit just to get the sylvannas ring that has 8 stam and 3 agility or whatever and to get that dawnblade
I've xfer but friend pointed out abit of helpful advice of sending yourself stuff in the mail if your bags are full, however if I xfer will my mail be reset or will I be able to access it on the other server I xfer to? Never done it this way before so didn't know.

Thanks, Kítty
noobietwink said:
i know a player that transfered to horde for a little bit just to get the sylvannas ring that has 8 stam and 3 agility or whatever and to get that dawnblade

noobietwink said:
forgot the name though

Haven't you ever heard of the edit button? /facepalm

Kítty said:
I've xfer but friend pointed out abit of helpful advice of sending yourself stuff in the mail if your bags are full, however if I xfer will my mail be reset or will I be able to access it on the other server I xfer to? Never done it this way before so didn't know.

Thanks, Kítty

Pretty sure if you read the transfer article, it says all in-game mail you have waiting to be opened will be reset

I'll check right now for ya and update this post when I know for sure

Edit: Official Standard Restrictions.

Standard Restrictions:

- A character's mailbox and auctions must be completely clear before that character can be transferred.

- A character that is the leader of a guild may not be transferred as long as he/she remains the leader. If you wish to transfer a character that is currently a guild leader you must transfer leadership to another member or disband your guild.

- Your character(s) can be locked at any point during the processing of the transfer. If you log into the game before the transfer is complete and create any auctions, this will cause the transfer to fail and you will have to restart it through the website.

- If you are logged into a character before the transfer is complete, this may delay it from processing so we encourage you to stay logged out until it is done. Keep in mind that you will lose any mail that you leave in your mailbox when the process is completed.
Won't your bank still be there? You can get 5 Frostweave Bags for your bank, and thats an extra 100 slots you can use to transfer items with, if that helps at all.


if that works at all >.>
Yeah, that does work. What ever is in your inventory and bank comes with (NOT GUILD BANK) but you can fill your bank bag slots with 20-22 slot bags and just load up on more shit...there's what, 7 available bank bags? so 7x20 = 140, or 7x22 =154 ? then you still got your inventory and your main bank slot...
Thanks, helped a ton with xfering.
Can you transfer with heirloom items? I would maybe consider moving one of my twinks, but probably not all 3. While I really only use them on my warrior, I would probably stack a bunch of them on one toon and transfer him so I can use them on subsequent twinks I might make on my destination server without hitting 80 again.

Also, recommendations for servers to get the AGM trinket? Duskwood has now long been occupied by a guild of retarded 80s who farm it every damn time despite already having the trinket (not that it does an 80 any good in the first place) making it hard enough I haven't gotten it on any of my twinks. Everything else is easy enough to get again. Although mining to 250 without an 80 to farm with will be less fun, guess thats what DKs are for though.

Glatian, Mortál, and Morbíd on Duskwood if anyone needs another alliance twink in their ranks -take a peek.

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