Bugged Dungeon mobs & other assorted WTF'ery


So, just getting back in the swing of things, & while I still have a few days of sub-time left; I have a new roster of 20's on an alt acct. that I'd been tooling around with.
Chief most mong them ( surprisingly ) has been me modest work-in-progress Resto Shammy https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/maelstrom/órcgazmatron
So I qued for rand TBC dungeons & zoned into an easy Ramparts... till met with the belligerently-Bugged https://www.wowhead.com/npc=17280/shattered-hand-warhound#comments
Which one-tapped us over & over for a a few corpse-runs till I bid everyone good luck & bailed.
Went to Shat, set my hearth, back to Org to go back to 'present' time & headed to Shattered Halls to try soloing. This went fine till I met these bois again & had a few runbacks till I prio-strat clapped em to continue progress. Bladefist shit me the shoulders instead of the gloves.
Anyways,,, are there any other fearsomely bugged mobs I should be on the lookout for, & is this a succinct anomaly; or are there 'Surprise' wildly-cocked-up mobs hiding in all expacs we now need to be on the lookout for?

Also, I've had a long string of poor fortune farming https://www.wowhead.com/item=28202/moonglade-robe with my DH.
Is there some new class restriction on this swaggy robe, prohibiting my DH from generating this as loot, or is my luck shite?
Most likely just some bad luck. I can confirm that it still drops for DH. Saw it drop for one while running Mech today.

The character I'm gearing right now took 38 runs of BF to get the moonchild leggings to drop. I was beginning to think the loot table was bugged lmao

RNG can be a fickle mistress sometimes
Vazruden's dragon Nazan in hellfire ramparts spits fire sometimes as you might know. If I remember correctly I was damaged for some dumb number like 200k or 2 mil. Can't remember. Good news is that it's only the stationary pyres it leaves behind which ticks for broken numbers, meaning you should keep moving if you want to stay alive.

Other than that, it seems to me like most caster mobs have been buffed. Currently struggling more than I should on a ret pally vs Nerub'enkan in strat. I'm fine with it. An easy game is a boring one. Many caster mobs were underpowered before.

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