Broken Tooth or Wind Serpent?


i played private server so i thought my pet can gain XP killing mobs grey to me
now i realize this is incorrect after reading Bowner's post
Hunter's Pets and Leveling XP Management Mini Guide
(posting link is not allowed for me. don't know why)

in classic my level is 39. i have broken tooth and wind serpent. both 37
i think i don't have spare XP to make them 39, so i have to choose

my thoughts based on private server twinking experience
1. broken tooth
good against caster
prowl can be good for NE, but i'm horde
good for BM spec but i think MM is better overall

2. wind serpent
can interrupt AB capping from a distance
make cheetah hunter dazed from a distance
rogue's stealth breaking from a distance
make warrior in combat from a distance -> can't charge
can hit mage when rooted and dmg through mana shield
can't learn lvl 4 LB cuz there is no wind serpent below lvl 40 with lvl 4 LB -> low dmg

taken together, i think BT is better in terms of dmg and WS is better in terms of utility
which one should i choose? what do you think?
thanks for your advice and sorry for my english
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Does the lightning breath have a cast time? I feel like there was a thing that instead of chasing after a target and attacking a wind serpent would have to stop to cast and then be out of range too often... is that a thing or poor memory?
It stops for an instant to fire the first LB. Still probably highest damage pet, and with dive it doesn't really struggle to catch targets.

Broken tooth doesn't have higher damage than an other cat, it just attacks the fastest.

But if you aren't rocking that boar charge you have an unrealistic idea of how hard it can be to keep people at range.

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