Break Time

Heya guys

Well I finally delete wow off my computer today and cancelling my subscription later on today. It wasn't planned but I just feel I need to take a break to focus more on IRL. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone for, maybe 1-2 weeks or a couple of months. If I'm not back in a couple of weeks then I might come back in the summer or never. I've not really planned that far ahead yet. Anyways I wanted to let all my friends know where I was and what I was doing. Take care all and have fun in wow. I'll try keep up on posting on forums.

Take care, Kítty

P.S if you want to keep in touch, msg me for my msn.
We met briefly on Draenor, don't really know you that well but wishing you the best IRL. See you around.
Yay kitty! gogo real life! luls, hopefully twinking will be revived with cataclysm! I'm planning of moving back to Terenas if non-end-game will be any good , Vindi is still playing but in the 60 bracket :p dunno if you're there to though :)

Good luck! I quit recently waiting for Cata , think my expections are a bit to high though =(

Looted from Terenas/CoA
Thanks guys. I'm back now however I've decided to move my main and play with my bro raiding guild. So most of my time now will be playing on that now but I will come on now and then and play with my twinks for a bit but not that much of the time. Hope too see you guys around now and then.
Welcome back you lasted 7 days!

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