Boomkin or Ele shaman.


Which do you think is better at 24? Both seem great, boomkins burst is great but with lower survivability. Ele shamans have decent damage and fair survivability and have thunderstorm. Also which horde races are best for these classes? I was thinking troll for boomkin. Tauren for shaman?
Def. go Troll if ya wanna do Boomkin. Their racial haste bonus, plus Lifebloom, plus their talent point options = moar pew pew.
I know i dont wanna be enh or feral
resto can be an option sometime in the future but id prefer being a support class.
bump, tauren or goblin for elemental? Im thinking the jump will be great against melee, but the stomp is nice for support and aoe stun.
tbh if you want to do better dmg go boomkin. Elemental shaman is definetly fun but the dps is alot less than druids. As a support, being elemental is much more rewarding than a balance druid.
I want to be a support class with more survivability, i know boomkins can make it work. but thunderstorm, frostshoch, totems, and ghostwolf seem to good compared to higher damage and a stealth.

Now my only decision is goblin or tauren, any help anyone?
easily goblin. haste, smaller size, rocket boots, and a quick finisher when ur shocks are down is always nice. compare that to a fat tauren with a close ranged stun that forces you to stop moving.
easily goblin. haste, smaller size, rocket boots, and a quick finisher when ur shocks are down is always nice. compare that to a fat tauren with a close ranged stun that forces you to stop moving.

Thats true, but the stun can help with interrupts since windshear is being nerfed, and an aoe stun for people capping flags in AB, but then again Il get Parachute cloak with spell pen so i can just use bombs, so it seems goblin is best.
note if your elemental shaman they shouldnt even be close to you.
Well i need to drop totems on them and use thunderstorm effectively so yes i will be close to them a majority of the time.
Um The whole point of thunderstorm and your totems is to keep them away. If your up close to them your doing something wrong
Um The whole point of thunderstorm and your totems is to keep them away. If your up close to them your doing something wrong

The idea of a support class is to keep people off the FC or away from the healer... so yes i actually am going to be near melee to keep them off the players that need to stay up..
ele shaman sre way better than boomkins. but if your going druid i recommend you go feral you get so much utility and can basically 1-2 shot f2p 20s.
ele shaman sre way better than boomkins. but if your going druid i recommend you go feral you get so much utility and can basically 1-2 shot f2p 20s.

depends what you mean better. They are both good in their own rights just in diffrent aspects. I play a feral primarily and lemme tell you it is tough. If you stack crit gear it might be fine but you might aswell go rogue over feral. And idk what kinda support and ele shaman is that goes up to someone then places EB totem. I mean you can safely FS them from a reasonable distance and thunderstorm is mostly for when they are too close. If you think that doing a suicide run into a group just to Thunderstorm them is support then be my guest.
depends what you mean better. They are both good in their own rights just in diffrent aspects. I play a feral primarily and lemme tell you it is tough. If you stack crit gear it might be fine but you might aswell go rogue over feral. And idk what kinda support and ele shaman is that goes up to someone then places EB totem. I mean you can safely FS them from a reasonable distance and thunderstorm is mostly for when they are too close. If you think that doing a suicide run into a group just to Thunderstorm them is support then be my guest.

Im not sure if you've played 19s but this is coming from the perspective of playing warsong and protecting the FC on defense. So its not really a suicide run, and thats why i was asking because 24s arent just warsong like 19s are. So i was thinking maybe boomkin for some burst.

Also why would I just run up to people and thunderstorm? That is completely pointless, the point is to slow down melee, keep people off the FC or heals/ranged and provide a little bit of damage. My totems and frost shock provide damage and CC. Thunderstorm is used to position people away from me or from other people important in the game, Boomkin has roots and dots. As a shaman I can interrupt spells, but I wont do too much damage although my support will be much better. Druids get stealth for a surprised burst and when stacking crit can hit very high. Problem is hardcasting is a bitch. So im still a bit stumped.
well i play 20s f2p. If you know hard casting sucks dont play either of these classes-.- Chances are, utility will be more useful then dmg.
I don't see too many of either class, but the one time I've seen a 24 twink els shaman, he topped the damage charts by an easy 6k. I'm sure boomkins could do the exact same though.
well yeah, but as 24s are now, dmg is already off the charts. Might aswell choose something with alot of utility

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