BoA Shoulders + Enchant

Has anyone confirmed whether or not the BoA shoulders can still have the enchant placed on them, on the PTR?? Or whether they are nurfed for existing people?, or grandfathered?

Anyway, whats the best way to collect the Stone Keeper's Shards? I only gots a 74 rogue so I don't think i'll be able to get 200 shards before the update.
I believe Drayner has said it still works during 3.1 (not sure though...) and the only way for you to collect the shards will be by doing the 3 WG dailies, if you can accept them and running instances when your side has WG. (ie - 4 shards per boss...)
You may not be able to get all the way to 200 in the weekend, but you may still be able to get your shoulders/enchant before the suspected nerf (no word of if it’s even in the queue). Start running Wintergrasp every time it's up (I used the game alarm, so if I was in a GB, I could pull out and switch over. If you're faction controls WG, then your best bet is to farm instances at your level. I'd recommend you run Violet Hold (in Dalaran, in case you're not sure), mostly because it's fairly fast (20 minutes with a decent group) and requires no travel time. Nexus is a good 2nd because of the lower level and four bosses. Third choice is UK. I figure, if you do the WG dailies (just the battle ones- not sure you could do the zone-based ones) you should come out of WG with 7-8 (not sure on the count) and then if you ran reg. VH, you should see 12 per run (I think- or is that heroic?). If you get 3 done, with the WG dailies, you're looking at 30-ish a "window" (You faction only holds WG for 2 hours 30 minutes).
Get mates to boost you through heroics, it's only 40 badges. I've been told it's possible to be farmed all in one day, so long you have no wipes, quick runs etc. But that's what I'm told by irl friends who raid.
Noo said:
Get mates to boost you through heroics, it's only 40 badges. I've been told it's possible to be farmed all in one day, so long you have no wipes, quick runs etc. But that's what I'm told by irl friends who raid.

The badge version is infereior to the Shard one (IMHO) and if he's not 80, he's not going to be able to get into heorics yet
If your main is a tank or a healer your set for just about anything even if your a little undergeared. Heroics are easy if you get the most of the guys in your party to agree to run a few more with you to farm badges. People usually do because finding a new party for a new heroic is just too time wasting. If your a DPS class and your undergeared... well I don't have any advise for you because I've always been a tank/healer. Good luck. I've hit my 1000 shard achievement a few days back mostly due to Heroics. I've run WG probably only 5 or so times.
i'm thinking this won't ever be nerfed, just like how you can get the medaillion and the uber looking flag trinket at even level 1 !

imagine a level one popping that flag and gaining 1500hp

that's epic. blizz of course gave us the good right to have those, i think they are gonna leave that 30stam and cut us off elsewhere, like they did... no more 100hp to chest but they left +4 all stats, same goes for other pieces we might lose hp enchants but still be able to keep those dps enchants, all in the end balancing the game. i just thik they don't want us to be all over powered with 5k health at level 1. but still be able to gear us off like mad !

that's my thinking, and is in no way a truth.

inversely to what many thinks, i think blizzard do makes mistakes, but i'm not convince on them trying to break TWINKS at all, i think they are trying to balance things for future references. after all, many of us rolls twink sand twinks, i even go as far as deleting em to get back lost space. i actually think they know what they are doing and up to now have been doing it the right way. a few off course changes like proff grandfathering, but still on the right track in making sure new twinks can't get them ! and since they are new twinks every day, i don't think we're gonna get overloaded with grandfathered characters like many of yo seem to think !

just my 2 cents on this.

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