BOA legs

The BOA legs are on the PTR. they are sold via guild vendor. im not sure if they going to go live in MOP. would be cool.

They should go live in MOP! :)
I like dem legs :):..

Well kinda great, cause a new reason for me to lvl a char on my rogues account... highest so far is 23 -.- But great!! :)

nice find though :)
Im excited,Hope they stick! Also heard rumors of BoA rings and see them on the MoP version of Wowhead,Their currently not in PTR it says though :(
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Anyone know how much these BoA legs will cost and the rings?
I'm 99.9% sure that new BoAs will be added. I think these (and the rings) were going to be added in Cata but Blizzard likes drawing the content out. -_- They were already made in Cata beta, so again, definitely expect these to make it to live.
Sad to see twinking become more and more BoA based.
But the rings will be great for lvl10s

His point was: If evey piece of armor was BoA one wouldnt need to do anything to ebcome a twink, you could simply just lvl to the specific lvl and you would alrdy have BiS gear ( except for proffesions).
once they add rings/leggings and add ability for BOAs to be accessed by all players on same battlenet account

thinking about making 10 hunters, and going into leveling BGs and as each one hits 20, delete and start a cycle. hopefully blizzard will get enough complaints from new account players and nerf them
These are retard. IMO every boa should only be as strong as the average green it's level. Not BIS. T_T

prior to wotlk, blizz let some sites preview heirloom gear. one of the sites basicly commented that those will be new twink gear. blizzard more or less responded on those comments/concerns that heirlooms would not exceed blues of the same level. which turns out...the gaming sites were correct....and blizzard was not.

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