BoA Gun vs Venom bow


Scaled to 19 it has +5 AP +1 Hit/Crit

Hands down I think its the best just for the +5 AP alone the hit and crit are just bonus to that imo. Plus if you really fancy yourself a good hunter (arguable seeing as most hunters classify themselves as "good") you should have a couple weapon choices depending on the situation.

Personally on my huntard (which I rarely play anymore) I carry:

[ITEM]6469[/ITEM] + [ITEM]2515[/ITEM]

[ITEM]13136[/ITEM] + [ITEM]8068[/ITEM] (I use this wep w/[ITEM]15115[/ITEM] otFalcon [ITEM]38851[/ITEM] )

[ITEM]22982[/ITEM] + [ITEM]2515[/ITEM]

I plan to replace [ITEM]6469[/ITEM] with [ITEM]42946[/ITEM] after I finish farming [ITEM]42948[/ITEM] for my pally.

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