BoA gear available at level 79?(3.2 xp turned off)


I haven't put any research into it. sorry for that, but i know you guys know...

Can i get the marks for the BoA gear without leveling to 80?

after 3.2 i was planning on turning off XP on my highest level toon when he reaches 79(mage - now 73, gona take me a few months to get to 79 at my rate of leveling)

i have to have the BoA caster staff :) and i would like to eventually have every item that best per slot for all my twinks(7 total @ lv 19-59)

just wondering if i need to choose between a 79 twink or BoA gear.

which would be a tough descision.

but if i could have both then i might be motivated to level up faster.

any info or links about BoA gear is appreciated.

Thank you,

Nait 'theory' you could get Stone Keeper's Shards before 80, from running normal instances and doing WG weekly's ...but it's 1 stone keeper's shard per boss in normal mode, and its like 10 shards a week from the weekly quests in WG.

I don't think you can enter ANY instance that rewards badges prior to being level 80...MAYBE naxx25, but I know you cannot enter naxx10 before 80, and I haven't checked any of the others ones - but you are unable to do any heroic mode 5 man before 80 D:
Spooksters said: 'theory' you could get Stone Keeper's Shards before 80, from running normal instances and doing WG weekly's ...but it's 1 stone keeper's shard per boss in normal mode, and its like 10 shards a week from the weekly quests in WG.

I don't think you can enter ANY instance that rewards badges prior to being level 80...MAYBE naxx25, but I know you cannot enter naxx10 before 80, and I haven't checked any of the others ones - but you are unable to do any heroic mode 5 man before 80 D:

thank you. so there is some hope!

but that'd be a long time to get 325 i'll need for the GSoJ. lol
since my whole point is to keep out of long grueling dungeons, this seems to be counter productive.

i do enjoy instances but not 8 hours long, scheduled, and on time or you get no loot, pain in the ass, change your spec or u cant come, cant have a life, endgame instances...

i should probably do the research on what instances ill have to run to get my twink lv 79 gear then add up the expected runs to find out if i'll be even close to getting the staff.

does anyone know if i can get in 25mans? my guild does those. right back at the ones i hate but if its less pain overall...

how many shards would i get from a typical 25man run?

lol@me /ima noob
No shards from a 25 man, only emblems of valor (soon to be conquest)

:edit: And I am not sure if you can enter it before 80...I thought the first gild to clear naxx25 had like 77's and 78's and shit, but im not 100% positive on that
80 is fun, i honestly dont know why twinks avoid it like the plague. Its almost like theres a unwritten law somewhere saying if you have an 80 its means you're not a twink, you're "one of them".

if you can get to 80, do it! its really fun, esp if you play a dps (non-dk) class! and you dont have to raid, to be honest pvp gear is acceptable for a casual 80 just doing heroics, and its not hard to get either.
no. you can't do heroics/25mans/etc at 79.

just level to 80. i can't think of any reason 79 would be any better...
I dont see why u would stop at 79? there will not be any bgs open for u, cus u will only face other 79s with xp turned off, and i guess they will be REALLY rare.
Spooksters said:
Yeah it would...>< It would be killing 325 bosses in normal

actually, I just ran a normal Gundrak to see if it was worth helping lower levels to get Stone keepers. You get 2 per boss.
Spooksters said: 'theory' you could get Stone Keeper's Shards before 80, from running normal instances and doing WG weekly's ...but it's 1 stone keeper's shard per boss in normal mode, and its like 10 shards a week from the weekly quests in WG.

its 50 per week from wg

but a 79 twink is the most pointless thing i have ever heard

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