Blue post: racials and trinkets coming off GCD in next beta build


I suppose we should celebrate whatever progress we can get, right? :)

This was posted just a few hours ago:

Yeah, we agree that having racials on the GCD isn't feeling great. Having to press multiple buttons in a row that don't do anything but increase throughput isn't particularly engaging. While we can resolve that issue within the context of a spec's toolkit, racials (as well as on-use trinkets) add an extra layer on top of that.

So, in an upcoming beta build (likely next week), we'll be taking racials and on-use trinkets back off of the GCD. --Lore, Community Manager, Blizzard.
why touch gcd in the first place.

I believe they said their reason behind it, was that they would like to avoid swifty macroing, and the kind of cooldown-based gameplay that we see today, where people set up certain "goes", popping cooldowns, and then afterwards just turtling, trying not to die, until they have cooldowns again to attempt another go.

If this is true, then they'll need to boost normal attacks to promote the action of wanting to do goes without cooldowns, and make misplays actually punishable. But let's see if they can pull this off. So far from what I've seen on beta, they are unsuccessful at achieving that, but then again, no number tuning has been made yet.
I believe they said their reason behind it, was that they would like to avoid swifty macroing, and the kind of cooldown-based gameplay that we see today, where people set up certain "goes", popping cooldowns, and then afterwards just turtling, trying not to die, until they have cooldowns again to attempt another go.

If this is true, then they'll need to boost normal attacks to promote the action of wanting to do goes without cooldowns, and make misplays actually punishable. But let's see if they can pull this off. So far from what I've seen on beta, they are unsuccessful at achieving that, but then again, no number tuning has been made yet.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to just nerf how strong some cooldowns are instad of mess with every gcd?

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