Blizzard on the issue of Lower level PvP among other things.


Smoother Battleground Brackets – "We have technology now to scale down player items for Challenge Modes, and you might be aware that we scaled up player items during our beta raid testing. We’d like to use the same mechanic to scale up players within the lower level PvP brackets. For example, in the level 15 to 19 bracket, we could make all characters behave as if they were level 19 for purposes of the Battleground. If this idea works well, we could potentially condense lower level brackets and maybe reduce queue times."

It seems they are considering doing the same thing Rift did with its PvP. If so we could see 20-29 brackets making a come back, which could lower Que times, depending on how active the 25-29 bracket is, but we will have to see what blizzard decides in the future.

Other changes: Dev Watercooler: Mists of Pandaria PvP - World of Warcraft
Provided 'behave as if they were level 19' means we get all the extra abilities too. Can you imagine how bad it would be to face 29s on a 20, if they had so many more abilities?

Nothing ruined GW2. The game is only a few months old and it's whole PvP system is still being worked on. It may mean you get complete newcomers who haven't even levelled, and don't understand their classes, being put into the same games as long-time hardcore PvPers, but coming changes should fix that to some extent.

Even with this change RIFT still beats WoW for it's handling of low level PvP, because they removed their XP lock feature, and limited both the gear and the enhancements on it to match what low level players can craft themselves, or purchase from the AH. In fact because there's no XP lock, the only place in the game you can twink is on F2P.
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after reading the link you provided, blizz seem to "balance" high end first which can cause multiple problems for low levels which i believe it caused when they removed the ranked spell system.

So its buffing/nerfing one spell at high end directly effects the rest of the low levels BUT if they had the ranked spell system they could for example adjust rank 13 (i.e level 90 spell) and the rest of ranks are left the same and "balanced". this is why i think cata pvp went tits up for low levels.
Condensing the lower level bracket so we all get more play time... that's something we should all hope for isn't it?

Unfortunately, as it has been pointed out, no game has done this perfectly yet, though they are improving from game to game. Scaling to the point of gaining access to the max level in the brackets abilities is a must, even the way our available best in slot gear would scale versus theirs will be a factor.

This is defiantly something to keep an eye on as further specifications are released, there's also a small part of me that wonders if blizz will even see fit to let free trial account scale up like a fully paid one. Could this somehow lead to our own, f2p only bracket?
This would be great if 20s were scaled up to 24, help balance things out. Of course there's still issue of added spells, talents and enchantments, but it would be a major improvement.
Nerfing off-spec PvP power healing - Amazing. (ferals/balance/elemental/shadow healing is way too powerful)
Nerfing overall PvP power healing by an additional 15% - Good (nuff said)
Scaling us 20s up to 24 in our bracket - Good. (assuming it will affect F2P accounts)
Incorporating the LFR and LFD matchmaking system into Battleground Finder - Amazing. (set number of healers / FCs)
Loss of control UI - Good (convenience mostly)

All these things will work towards bringing balance to our bracket, especially the scaling if it goes into affect like they say. Tweaking end game spells and abilities is always going to happen and it will always affect low level in one way or another. There's no reason to complain about this, we choose to play on the low end of a low level bracket. If these changes go into affect i believe it will not only be great for the leveling by PvP experience as a whole, but will draw a lot of people to / back to the F2P community.
Some specs are screwed by level requirement of abilities like ret and enhancement. raising us to lvl 24 in bgs is not gona fix jack if we dont have enough abilities compared to to other specs/classes. Exorcism and stormstrike could make rets and enhance useful if they were available earlier. TV and lava lash currently hit like wet noodles, TV shouldn't even be considered a finisher compared to 5cp eviscerate and ferocious bite.
Meanwhile druids have tons of endgame abilities available early. Why does the most mobile class need a mobility tier as the 1st talent tier? Why does catform need 25% speed increase when you are not specced feral? Why do non ferals need an instant HoT?
I say the people that the people who arranged the ability levels for each class did a terrible job at it.
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Sounds bad.

Of course Blizz wouldn't want to spend a day simply balancing the low level brackets themselves.

its seems blizzard only focus endgame, which is logicall as most of the player base is there but people like myself who only make 90s and get full pvped geared to help 19s get agm and play low level bracket feel as if there wasting there money. seeing as the brackets have been broken for nearly 2yrs.

Saying that most f2p'ers came in cata so they dont know any difference. but wrath to cata was a massive change and clearly isnt being fixed any time soon.

Balanced pvp (imo) is where 2 different classes can 1v1 and the out come of duel is based on when they used CDs, LoS etc etc, not who does most dmg fastest, which has become a common thing within wow. with that in mind, i find hard to understand how/why f2ps have egos. because clearly one of you playing an op class and thinking there good based on blizzard lack of balancing on low level pvp.
If scaling means being hit capped against higher levels, that has to be a good thing. It's simple enough to give abilities at the bottom of the bracket instead of the top. The same with ability scaling.

that means less total abillties and makes no sense to give level 20s, 24 abilites. THUS theres no point giving level requirements on any spells. might aswell give all level 90 spells at level 15.

then i guess it will make most 20s life hell as you gotta click spells on the other side of your screen :/
With healing the way it is at the moment, I think 2 is a sufficient number of healers. Unless one of them is a druid, then you should only get one. Bastards.
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I can't really tell if this is a serious attempt to 'balance' lower level pvp or just Ghostcrawler doing his optimistic-turned-incredibly-disappointing thing. Just reading through his post makes it seem as if, as always, they are not really concerned with anything but endgame.

This would hold some merit if all skills were learned at the beginning of a bracket (15,20,25...) and if everyone had equal hit cap rates and whatnot. I don't hold especially high hopes but I'm interested in seeing how it turns out. To hear about the idea of a class maximum per BG is also heartening.

Lastly, @ the GW2 comment - I would argue that the game is still in its infancy and even being in that state it has a more balanced PvP model than pretty much any other game of its type. A matchmaking system would be nice, but if you've been reading their developer comments that's... exactly what will be implemented in the coming updates. The big thing I'm waiting for in GW2 PvP is alternate game types. Hopefully they'll keep the Halloween PvP games in the world! If anything, those showed that the devs are creative and implement even silly fun things extremely well. I'm very excited to see more game types become a regular part of the PvP.

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