Blizzard Hates Twinks?

The new "Experience Eliminators" in Orgrimmar and Ironforge usually have quotes referencing twinking in some way, but some of them seem down right ridiculous. "Behsten bemoans the loss of his Nethercleft Leg armor". This goes to show how much Blizzard loves us twinkies. :rolleyes:
that just hurts, its like they're spitting in our faces!
It's not mocking us at all. Most twinks want their cleft armor back but lets face it, they we're ridiculous for us. Blizzards just trying to make Bestan and Slahtz like real twinks.
McBankington said:
It's not mocking us at all. Most twinks want their cleft armor back but lets face it, they we're ridiculous for us. Blizzards just trying to make Bestan and Slahtz like real twinks.

Replace "real twinks" with "a bag of crap" and you're right on the money. More like Wurstehn Slahtz. :p
cooperation said:
They have, like, 400 health. I could one-shot them, and I'm a *priest*.

All this twink nerfing is disgusting. What if people started to complain about getting 1 shotted at 80 cause they entered a rated arena game in all Northrend Blues? Then Blizz is all like "Relax guys we'll take care of it!" *Ghostcrawler reaches into his bag o' nerfs "Hmm... Nethercleft Leg Armor eh, well we can't have that! *NERF*" Really, it's pathetic. Soon they're just gonna be handing out free epics... OH WAIT. c wut i did thur
IamMage said:
All this twink nerfing is disgusting. What if people started to complain about getting 1 shotted at 80 cause they entered a rated arena game in all Northrend Blues? Then Blizz is all like "Relax guys we'll take care of it!" *Ghostcrawler reaches into his bag o' nerfs "Hmm... Nethercleft Leg Armor eh, well we can't have that! *NERF*" Really, it's pathetic. Soon they're just gonna be handing out free epics... OH WAIT. c wut i did thur

QQ. I never used legenchants, never played in patches that had them for 19s. And tbh, you should just quit this game, and play some other crappy mmorpg, if you don't want a game, that removes bugs and major exploits, 'cause those leg enchants, never should've been lvl 19 viable. And I'm still top 3 hks with max 2 deaths and plenty kbs in experience locked BGs, so I guess you're just playing your toon wrong.

What a sad guy needs to cookie cut players who began playing 24 hours ago. Tbh you're the pathetic one.

On topic: They don't mock us, you got it wrong.

It's a tribute, that some people high up in Blizz, finally diden't just label us a people exploting the in-experience of 10-19 bracket people, because you got a crappy irl life, but as pvpers who simply prefer lower bracket pvping, for very different reasons and even gave us the posibility for us to lock our exp in PvE.

Think about it; they could just as easily have made the exp lock, only to affect the exp gained through pvp, so we coulden't get all our fancy gear and titles.

DRY YOUR OOs ppl pls
^^WOOOOSH OVER THE HEAD!!!! and nerd raged

Mkkel said:
QQ. I never used legenchants, never played in patches that had them for 19s. And tbh, you should just quit this game, and play some other crappy mmorpg, if you don't want a game, that removes bugs and major exploits, 'cause those leg enchants, never should've been lvl 19 viable. And I'm still top 3 hks with max 2 deaths and plenty kbs in experience locked BGs, so I guess you're just playing your toon wrong.

What a sad guy needs to cookie cut players who began playing 24 hours ago. Tbh you're the pathetic one.

On topic: They don't mock us, you got it wrong.

It's a tribute, that some people high up in Blizz, finally diden't just label us a people exploting the in-experience of 10-19 bracket people, because you got a crappy irl life, but as pvpers who simply prefer lower bracket pvping, for very different reasons and even gave us the posibility for us to lock our exp in PvE.

Think about it; they could just as easily have made the exp lock, only to affect the exp gained through pvp, so we coulden't get all our fancy gear and titles.

DRY YOUR OOs ppl pls

Twinking was never about equality, in fact, most of the time you were far superior to your opponent and was easy to Roflstomp them into a 3/0 game. This is no longer possible due to exp lock, at least not as easy. Some prefer the exp lock, I don't personally. I might as well play 80 pvp if I wanted equality (At least there are gear rewards, lolwelfare). To sum it up, you're defending something you know was wrongly nerfed. Same goes for librams and Shoulder enchants.

Oh and Cptheal is 100% correct, whatever rakes in the most $$ for Blizzard is what will win. If enough people complain, they will win. If 1000 people ($15000) say "Me no like twinkies" vs. the 200 ($3000) that say "Noooo don't nerf twinks plzzzzz". Guess who will win? That's how Blizzard thinks and operates. WoW has such a large subscription base, every decision Blizzard makes will be from a purely financial standpoint, and that's just the reality of it.
Why wouldnt you like twinks? One, the bring extra money into the economy, thus furthur putting money in your pockets. Second, if someone wants to waste money, let them, who really cares? If they wanna make someone (COULD BE YOU) Richer, let them! Third, in all seriousness, people only complained (the leveling majority) because, I think we kept wtf raping them in wsg in all brackets... They had enough and started complaining and guess what happened... Leg Armor, Librams gone! Thats cool, a few people of the twinking community complained, but we still managed... Now, exp in bgs, with the option to turn it off or on...

So, you don't think blizzard cares or hates twinks? Not really, you should see how many buffs we got and then that were taken away, and then what blizzard replaced those with!

This thread is pointless....
IamMage said:
Twinking was never about equality, in fact, most of the time you were far superior to your opponent and was easy to Roflstomp them into a 3/0 game. This is no longer possible due to exp lock, at least not as easy. Some prefer the exp lock, I don't personally. I might as well play 80 pvp if I wanted equality (At least there are gear rewards, lolwelfare). To sum it up, you're defending something you know was wrongly nerfed. Same goes for librams and Shoulder enchants.

Oh and Cptheal is 100% correct, whatever rakes in the most $$ for Blizzard is what will win. If enough people complain, they will win. If 1000 people ($15000) say "Me no like twinkies" vs. the 200 ($3000) that say "Noooo don't nerf twinks plzzzzz". Guess who will win? That's how Blizzard thinks and operates. WoW has such a large subscription base, every decision Blizzard makes will be from a purely financial standpoint, and that's just the reality of it.

Yup, some people don't realize that you have to listen to the majority, you cant run a world-wide business thinking about one tiny group of people all the time. Blizzard thinks about the majority before twinks. Face it it's logical, majority pays more.
To the OP: You come in here thinking your all high and mighty, like you have been twinking for years, yet if you go back and reread you all other 20 something post you have been asking questions that brand new people to the game ask. If you dont like fair competition then level out of the bracket and go back to your 80. Twinking is about premades, arenas, and duels, not about ruining the day for other people. Leg kits were op to begin with and I personally liked and welcomed the change, Blizzard is not mocking twinks, merely trying to make it easier for people to experience end game, if they wanted to get rid of us, they could easily do so(remove nonxp ques). They will not get rid of us because it would ruin the WoW economy since a majority of items on the AH are all twink items or twink related in some way(low level professions, enchants, etc.) Learn to adapt or learn to move on.

Oh yeah,

Hotpockets said:
This thread is retarded.
Boglund said:
Yup, some people don't realize that you have to listen to the majority, you cant run a world-wide business thinking about one tiny group of people all the time. Blizzard thinks about the majority before twinks. Face it it's logical, majority pays more.

I have to agree with this.
canihascookie said:
So, you don't think blizzard cares or hates twinks? Not really, you should see how many buffs we got and then that were taken away, and then what blizzard replaced those with!

This thread is pointless....

Blizzard has never buffed twinks, they have only given the permission to use high level enchants on characters that do not necessarily require them to be high in level. Hence, untwinked characters could use said enchants if they so pleased, meaning Blizzard hasn't paid any real attention to twinking in the first place. Come patch 3.1 they are beginning to, solely because a large number of their subscribers have complained about twinks to the point where they had to nerf them or they would lose money. Yes, they could have just made exp Bg's and said to the twinks, "You give us less money than people who don't twink, so we don't care." but losing the twink population would also mean a loss of money, so... they decide to implement a simple and inexpensive way of keeping twinks - disable exp.

I'm not one to insult, but if you're throwing "pointlessness" around, the "pointlessness" of your existence could be argued.
Deaconator said:
To the OP: You come in here thinking your all high and mighty, like you have been twinking for years, yet if you go back and reread you all other 20 something post you have been asking questions that brand new people to the game ask. If you dont like fair competition then level out of the bracket and go back to your 80. Twinking is about premades, arenas, and duels, not about ruining the day for other people. Leg kits were op to begin with and I personally liked and welcomed the change, Blizzard is not mocking twinks, merely trying to make it easier for people to experience end game, if they wanted to get rid of us, they could easily do so(remove nonxp ques). They will not get rid of us because it would ruin the WoW economy since a majority of items on the AH are all twink items or twink related in some way(low level professions, enchants, etc.) Learn to adapt or learn to move on.

1. Thank you for the most unecessary hostility towards my OP. I never intended, nor intend to percieve myself or be percieved as "higher" or "mightier" than another person.

2. It is true that I'm new to twinking (off and on about a year). It's only now that I've decided to do anything serious with it, and so what anyway? Just because you have more knowledge/have been playing longer than me, means that you have some kind of perverse superiority over me?

3. Since playing in no-exp Bg's for the last few days, my understanding of the fairness and enjoyment in seperating "no-exp" from "exp" Bg's is well... it's completely fair and enjoyable. So there, I've changed my mind on the subject since my OP.

Oh and Blizzard won't get rid of twinks, simply because it would mean less bling on their fingers. You really think they care about the in-game economy? Think again. The changes that are made to the game are a result of players bringing in-game "problems" to Blizzards attention via posting on the forums or alerting GMs. Twinks happen to be one of these problems. It really doesn't take much to understand the reality of things, just takes an open, unbiased mind.

Example of how this works IRL on the WoW forums for those who don't enjoy reading walls of text:

Monkeynuts(normal): Hey wtf!!! I was in warsong gulch and some guy came up to me and I died instantly. I MEAN WTF IS THAT??!!!!

Pinkpubes(normal): YA INORITE!! Stupid twinks killing our fun!!! Im quitting this stupid game if they dont remove twinks.

Saneindividual(twink): Hey nooo, don't remove twinks, that's not fair!

From Blizzards point of view: Monkeynuts + Pinkpubes = $30, whereas Saneindividual = just $15

BlizzardEmployee: Hey guys don't quit plzzzz, I need ur muneez for my new Ferrari!!! Ok, ok, look, what if we make it so you don't have to fight twinks anymore? Sound good?

Monkeynuts(normal): Yay! Now I won't quit the game and will continue to pay my subscription of $15 a month. Thanks Blizz you're the greatest!

Pinkpubes(normal): Yea, me too, I'm gonna play forever now! Thanks!

Saneindividual(twink): AWWW S***!!!

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