Blizz used to luv us twinks

Well since after like Zod got patched out, everything is costing alot more :(, a guy was trying to sell Thorbia's gauntlets on my AH for 1k gold so i was like wow thats messed up. If only he was hidding in a corner like me XD
noobietwink said:
lol, thanks for correcting me, dunno why but my comp is hella laggy

Actually I was correcting Cpt, but NP anyways.

noobietwink said:
Nova but can you PLS

It depends on what you're asking me to do, if its regarding your question about warriors, then yes I can do it, but it will have to wait a little bit while I get some personal things done. :)
noobietwink said:
Well since after like Zod got patched out, everything is costing alot more :(, a guy was trying to sell Thorbia's gauntlets on my AH for 1k gold so i was like wow thats messed up. If only he was hidding in a corner like me XD

In all seriousness I think everyone used to respect us twinks more. But these days a find it quite common that many trolls/immature kids inhabit our community making it at times unpleasant.
Everything costs more because all the BG levelers want the best gear in order to gain the best possible advantage over their opponents. The demand for the gear is higher
Oddly enough, my rogue and hunter still use the same gear they used back in the 2.3 patch... With a few minor changes (gear sets n crap)
noobietwink said:
Of course he is:D hes my favorite on here:p MY FAV PPL ON HERE: Nova, Crilicilyn, Twinkytoes, Boglund, and Canihasacookie

*cough* ass kisser *Cough*

I prefer Hamcake.

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