BiS WW Monk armory?


Title says it all really,

Wowhead it or Chardev. Don't be a lemming, be a leader! There is no true BiS cookie cutter any more. There is only what is truly BiS for YOU and your play style.
Good luck and have fun gearing!

Wowhead it or Chardev. Don't be a lemming, be a leader! There is no true BiS cookie cutter any more. There is only what is truly BiS for YOU and your play style.
Good luck and have fun gearing!


Well stacking int on a ww wouldnt be BiS to anyones play style. But I sorta understand what your saying. To me there a burst (crit) based build, a sustained damage (agility) build, and a balanced build (stam and agility). To me the balanced build is the most consistent. But if your fighting a class that is ranged, burst might be better. Them big crits will come in handy. But then again, not consistent. So whats the BiS balanced build for ww monk? Honestly if ppl could post there opinions I could use a little bit of everyones to make the right one for me. Thanks :)
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Agi/stam. Balance. You won't crit big like a rogue no matter how much agi you stack. Crit is good but since you won't be getting burst with your crits go for a good balance. You'll put out consistent dps with better survival and your karma will hit alittle harder with a nice stam/agi build. My monk with said build posted earlier. I don't plan on getting anything (other than the 5/5 gnomer cuffs) otherwise I feel 'BiS' to my preference atm. Except my weapons. I do believe 2 heirloom maces are indeed BiS for monks who aren't stacking crit. I however don't mind trading 2 haste for 1 crit. Currently. Though, experience is your only real way to attaining BiS. So go out there and get some. There aren't that many 24 monks. And the ones there are haven't been played much including my own. So pave the way brave soldier.
Agi/stam. Balance. You won't crit big like a rogue no matter how much agi you stack. Crit is good but since you won't be getting burst with your crits go for a good balance. You'll put out consistent dps with better survival and your karma will hit alittle harder with a nice stam/agi build. My monk with said build posted earlier. I don't plan on getting anything (other than the 5/5 gnomer cuffs) otherwise I feel 'BiS' to my preference atm. Except my weapons. I do believe 2 heirloom maces are indeed BiS for monks who aren't stacking crit. I however don't mind trading 2 haste for 1 crit. Currently. Though, experience is your only real way to attaining BiS. So go out there and get some. There aren't that many 24 monks. And the ones there are haven't been played much including my own. So pave the way brave soldier.

I appreciate your reply and honesty. I Agree that the agility, stam build is the way to go. But I've always wondered. Do you think a haste build is better than crit? Im not planing on doing either, its just for the knowledge lol
pick up herbalism. It will be all the haste you'll need man. 94 for 20 secs. I wouldn't go for a haste build on any melee class tbh. Monk white hits are hard but not hard enough to justify a haste build. Or I don't think so anyway. Fists would proc faster and maybe the DoT from Karma. Your energy regen would be modestly increased but I don't see haste being that beneficial. But I have not tried it. Probably going to go back to elemental force too. hitting slightly harder and critting a bit more with dancing steel but have lost a bit of sustained dps. Just a heads up. They're both equally good in different ways though. Mongoose is pretty awesome too. But waiting for procs when burst in the bracket is so high is for the birds.
I appreciate your reply and honesty. I Agree that the agility, stam build is the way to go. But I've always wondered. Do you think a haste build is better than crit? Im not planing on doing either, its just for the knowledge lol
the effective benefit of crit is nerfed in pvp come WOD. haste acts as a flat multiplayer for dps when you do all the funky math . crit acts as a "proc" where u have a chance to incur a effect. in wod it will be 1.5 x damage of original .

Heres the thing Haste has virtually no effect on burst. your fists of furry will channel just as fast. and your abilities won't hit any harder . your auto attacks will just be faster and your energy will regen faster as well.

alright so what does this boil down too in pvp ?

haste isn't worth much and crit will be worth less. if your going for burst you should just focus on max agi . and frankly pvp is all about burst.

if i had to choose crit vs haste on a piece of gear its really tough to say but i might have to go with crit as much as it sucks to say it.
lets say your attacking somebody you can maybe stay on that target for 10 sec . stacking a decent amount of haste maybe gets you an extra 2 energy per sec over 10 ec thats 20 energy which isn't even enough for a jab in wod. id much rather just crit with one of my moves once or twice more.
the effective benefit of crit is nerfed in pvp come WOD. haste acts as a flat multiplayer for dps when you do all the funky math . crit acts as a "proc" where u have a chance to incur a effect. in wod it will be 1.5 x damage of original .

Heres the thing Haste has virtually no effect on burst. your fists of furry will channel just as fast. and your abilities won't hit any harder . your auto attacks will just be faster and your energy will regen faster as well.

alright so what does this boil down too in pvp ?

haste isn't worth much and crit will be worth less. if your going for burst you should just focus on max agi . and frankly pvp is all about burst.

if i had to choose crit vs haste on a piece of gear its really tough to say but i might have to go with crit as much as it sucks to say it.
lets say your attacking somebody you can maybe stay on that target for 10 sec . stacking a decent amount of haste maybe gets you an extra 2 energy per sec over 10 ec thats 20 energy which isn't even enough for a jab in wod. id much rather just crit with one of my moves once or twice more.

Very well said! But how many extra white hits would you be getting o_O. and in WoD enh shamans haste might be BiS
Very well said! But how many extra white hits would you be getting o_O. and in WoD enh shamans haste might be BiS
well you can roughly say that if you have 10% haste and attack somebody for a span of time that would normally let you hit them ten times you would hit them 11 instead because of that 10 % haste.
so lets see assuming you are using two 1h's with 2.8 speed. and your sitting on the target for 11 sec ( makes math easy enough to do in my head if its 11) . you would usually get roughly 4 swings with each weapon. to get a fifth you would need do be hitting them at a speed of 2.2 soooo. if we take 2.8/2.2 we get about 1.26 or 1.27 i think . so that means u need about 27% haste for 1 extra swing (with both weps) in a 11 sec window. at 27 percent haste you would get 12.7 energy per sec so maybe in 10 sec you could get one extra jab/blackoutkick.

when i think about classes to stack haste on it really ties into which classes benefit the most from having super fast attacks . one of those is assassination rogues because every attack has a chance to do a good amount of poison damage. and you also keep you slows on druids and stuff better.
monks ( yeah they have the tiger strikes ) don't really get as much though . and i mean if it helps u Windwalker Monk DPS Stat Priority for PvE DPS - WoW 5.4.8 (MoP)
theres a link for max level stat priority . as you can see haste is the lowest priority of the stats we have available.
so i mean don't get me wrong haste is supper fun and you should experiment with it but i would say if your looking for a true bis it will be with crit...... until WOD then i might shift it over to haste at least in pvp .

o and heres the pvp link
haste is actually below mastery .( lol )
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the effective benefit of crit is nerfed in pvp come WOD. haste acts as a flat multiplayer for dps when you do all the funky math . crit acts as a "proc" where u have a chance to incur a effect. in wod it will be 1.5 x damage of original .

Heres the thing Haste has virtually no effect on burst. your fists of furry will channel just as fast. and your abilities won't hit any harder . your auto attacks will just be faster and your energy will regen faster as well.

alright so what does this boil down too in pvp ?

haste isn't worth much and crit will be worth less. if your going for burst you should just focus on max agi . and frankly pvp is all about burst.

if i had to choose crit vs haste on a piece of gear its really tough to say but i might have to go with crit as much as it sucks to say it.
lets say your attacking somebody you can maybe stay on that target for 10 sec . stacking a decent amount of haste maybe gets you an extra 2 energy per sec over 10 ec thats 20 energy which isn't even enough for a jab in wod. id much rather just crit with one of my moves once or twice more.
All good points. Though it's best to gear for the present with the future in mind. though what was said applies to now as well so fair game. One thing, fist of fury does indeed channel a good bit faster with lifeblood up. It also gets faster with any added haste. True enough you'd have to stack a lot of haste just for that one ability but it is something to keep in mind. Nice to have fists proc so fast that you have stun time left over. Again, nothing too significant though at the right moment it really hits the spot.
the effective benefit of crit is nerfed in pvp come WOD. haste acts as a flat multiplayer for dps when you do all the funky math . crit acts as a "proc" where u have a chance to incur a effect. in wod it will be 1.5 x damage of original .

Heres the thing Haste has virtually no effect on burst. your fists of furry will channel just as fast. and your abilities won't hit any harder . your auto attacks will just be faster and your energy will regen faster as well.

alright so what does this boil down too in pvp ?

haste isn't worth much and crit will be worth less. if your going for burst you should just focus on max agi . and frankly pvp is all about burst.

if i had to choose crit vs haste on a piece of gear its really tough to say but i might have to go with crit as much as it sucks to say it.
lets say your attacking somebody you can maybe stay on that target for 10 sec . stacking a decent amount of haste maybe gets you an extra 2 energy per sec over 10 ec thats 20 energy which isn't even enough for a jab in wod. id much rather just crit with one of my moves once or twice more.

Why are you talking about WoD when it's not even here? Also, haste does affect FoF channel time.

Tiger Strikes - Spell - World of Warcraft.

This passive alone might make a haste build work really well, seeing as monk autoattacks hit a ton and haste A) makes tiger strikes proc more often and B) stacks with the +50% attack speed from tiger strikes. Can't say anything about how haste build would compare with other builds since I've been really comfortable playing with my current build ever since I created my monk, so haven't really tried anything else. Just saying, it might not be that bad after all...

I want to see you say "Haste has virtually no effect on burst" after you've seen tiger strikes proc + lifeblood, by the way... :p
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Why are you talking about WoD when it's not even here? Also, haste does affect FoF channel time.

Tiger Strikes - Spell - World of Warcraft.

This passive alone might make a haste build work really well, seeing as monk autoattacks hit a ton and haste A) makes tiger strikes proc more often and B) stacks with the +50% attack speed from tiger strikes. Can't say anything about how haste build would compare with other builds since I've been really comfortable playing with my current build ever since I created my monk, so haven't really tried anything else. Just saying, it might not be that bad after all...

I want to see you say "Haste has virtually no effect on burst" after you've seen tiger strikes proc + lifeblood, by the way... :p

weird . last i checked the fof wasn't effected by haste. i probably misread it though when i was making my thread on how haste rating effects things. i know for a fact you can't get extra ticks from stacking haste with fof but i guess it could speed it up .

when i was talking about haste for the previous comment i was talking about it in regards to gearing for it . ( passive effects) .

i mean of course u could use double hurricane on your weapons and potentially get 6 procs going at the same time if your really lucky and your taunt/karma spells proc the spell component of hurricane ( not sure they even do ). of course 60 haste x 6 plus lifeblood pluss gearing for haste would be ridiculous and I'm sure you could get up at around 160% haste . plus tiger strikes = 210 % haste which means your 2.8 speeds would be hitting at roughly .7 speed. yeah thats burst of sorts.

if you think about it from a gear standpoint though PURELY BASE HASTE FROM GEAR i think you will agree with my previous post. the 27% extra haste you might be able to get from like glove enchants and all this other stuff. ( ideally would be agi but for the sake of this argument we will compare it to crit)
haste and crit scale at about the same rate percentage wise.

warning maths time.
lets say you hit for 1 damage. and you hit somebody 100 times.
10 % crit would say that out of those 100 times . 10 of them hit for 2
10 % haste means you get 10 extra hits for 1 each .

both times u end up with 110 damage total .
so in theory both haste and crit are worth the almost the exact same when considering ONLY auto attacks . because tiger strikes gives a flat 50 % increase stacking haste doesn't make it better by MUCH (note: the 50% DOES compound a little bit with any previous haste you have so you will end up with a little bit more then you would get from just adding the percents)

now heres the thing both haste and crit effect your special abilities in a different way.
over time haste will let you get in a extra blackout kick where u would be limited by energy in a crit build.
BUT AS LONG AS YOU ARENT INHIBITED BY ENERGY ( meaning you aren't waiting on energy to regen so u can do a move)
Crit will come out on top .

i guess you could think of it this way . initially crit is effecting both your specials and your auto attack . haste only effects the auto attack component until the point where u would become energy deprived with a crit set then it begins to catch up.

if we are talking about burst its usually going to be over a span of at most 8-10 sec and during that span of time i feel like you won't become energy deprived.

i hope this cleared up my opinion on certain things.

i guess the summary would be that 1 for 1 crit does more for your burst than haste does.
weird . last i checked the fof wasn't effected by haste. i probably misread it though when i was making my thread on how haste rating effects things. i know for a fact you can't get extra ticks from stacking haste with fof but i guess it could speed it up .

when i was talking about haste for the previous comment i was talking about it in regards to gearing for it . ( passive effects) .

i mean of course u could use double hurricane on your weapons and potentially get 6 procs going at the same time if your really lucky and your taunt/karma spells proc the spell component of hurricane ( not sure they even do ). of course 60 haste x 6 plus lifeblood pluss gearing for haste would be ridiculous and I'm sure you could get up at around 160% haste . plus tiger strikes = 210 % haste which means your 2.8 speeds would be hitting at roughly .7 speed. yeah thats burst of sorts.

if you think about it from a gear standpoint though PURELY BASE HASTE FROM GEAR i think you will agree with my previous post. the 27% extra haste you might be able to get from like glove enchants and all this other stuff. ( ideally would be agi but for the sake of this argument we will compare it to crit)
haste and crit scale at about the same rate percentage wise.

warning maths time.
lets say you hit for 1 damage. and you hit somebody 100 times.
10 % crit would say that out of those 100 times . 10 of them hit for 2
10 % haste means you get 10 extra hits for 1 each .

both times u end up with 110 damage total .
so in theory both haste and crit are worth the almost the exact same when considering ONLY auto attacks . because tiger strikes gives a flat 50 % increase stacking haste doesn't make it better by MUCH (note: the 50% DOES compound a little bit with any previous haste you have so you will end up with a little bit more then you would get from just adding the percents)

now heres the thing both haste and crit effect your special abilities in a different way.
over time haste will let you get in a extra blackout kick where u would be limited by energy in a crit build.
BUT AS LONG AS YOU ARENT INHIBITED BY ENERGY ( meaning you aren't waiting on energy to regen so u can do a move)
Crit will come out on top .

i guess you could think of it this way . initially crit is effecting both your specials and your auto attack . haste only effects the auto attack component until the point where u would become energy deprived with a crit set then it begins to catch up.

if we are talking about burst its usually going to be over a span of at most 8-10 sec and during that span of time i feel like you won't become energy deprived.

i hope this cleared up my opinion on certain things.

i guess the summary would be that 1 for 1 crit does more for your burst than haste does.

Yup, the amount of ticks stay the same, but they apply faster (meaning less time to trinket and move away from AoE stun) and I'm pretty sure that stacking enough haste will let you get an extra blackout kick in in between the channel ending and the actual stun ending.

Not gonna answer every paragraph of your post as you're indeed right, crit is more burst than haste in most situations and the energy regen from haste is not very significant as energy is not nearly as important for a monk as focus would be for hunter, or energy for rogues. What I wanted to say in my last post is that FoF is affected by haste, and even though you won't see a lot of huge crits with haste stacking, I'm sure it would be perfectly viable and would hit a shitton of damage, so much that I would definitely call it burst. I just tried auto attacks on my friend with lifeblood and tiger strikes up, DS wasn't up but it did something ridiculous like 800 damage in 2 seconds... Yeah, it doesn't sound like a lot but that's only auto attacks and without dual DS proc which would have probably nearly doubled the damage.

I would make a haste set with dual hurricane or windsong or something just to try this out, but I'm pretty limited with my free time atm so someone with more interest and time on their hands will have to do that ;) post results if you do, thanks.
Yup, the amount of ticks stay the same, but they apply faster (meaning less time to trinket and move away from AoE stun) and I'm pretty sure that stacking enough haste will let you get an extra blackout kick in in between the channel ending and the actual stun ending.

Not gonna answer every paragraph of your post as you're indeed right, crit is more burst than haste in most situations and the energy regen from haste is not very significant as energy is not nearly as important for a monk as focus would be for hunter, or energy for rogues. What I wanted to say in my last post is that FoF is affected by haste, and even though you won't see a lot of huge crits with haste stacking, I'm sure it would be perfectly viable and would hit a shitton of damage, so much that I would definitely call it burst. I just tried auto attacks on my friend with lifeblood and tiger strikes up, DS wasn't up but it did something ridiculous like 800 damage in 2 seconds... Yeah, it doesn't sound like a lot but that's only auto attacks and without dual DS proc which would have probably nearly doubled the damage.

I would make a haste set with dual hurricane or windsong or something just to try this out, but I'm pretty limited with my free time atm so someone with more interest and time on their hands will have to do that ;) post results if you do, thanks.

i personaly have a haste set on every toon i play because spirit and haste are kinda like "my thing" and i frankly love it . i mean there just something magical about 1.3 sec starfires when i pop everything as boomy.

on a really interesting note though haste has the potential to have the most burst. if you get lucky and all of your spells crit anyways you can put out a lot more damage then you would with the equivalent crit rating so thats a lil fun tidbit.

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