BIS warrior/strength gems?


I'm looking over the gems for this since at the outset agility/int classes had relatively clear options on what was better - their stuff only now seems to be scaling down to where strength classes are.

So i was wondering, outside a +3 strength gem and steady talasite, is there anything else we should be considering?
If you’re wep swapping for crusader procs, generally speaking you have more than enough strength from the enchants alone. That said, BiS is still probably going to be 2str/2crit even though on low level warriors I’ve always leaned towards haste/vers stacking. Haven’t played warr in prepatch so I’m curious to hear some other opinions
You can run some combination of those 2. and I think the unique-equip 4/4 and 3/4 cri/stam gems from HH and the apexis event are worth it too.

As Boog points out, dmg output on a warrior isnt exactly... lacking. So I plan on overstacking Talasite initially, then replacing them if I start to feel like a lack of damage is hurting (or if blizz sweeps through and nerfs them to a point 2/2 stam-str gems are more attractive)
I'm going str/stam; not only for dps but for survivability via ignore pain. I welcome you to convince me otherwise but don't expect me to be too invested atm... I'm at work
As a rough "proof of concept" I replaced 6 talasite gems with 6 str/stm gems and found that:

You give up 264 health for an additional 47 absorb on IP and 16 dmg on MS tooltip. If your goal is survivability, even though str boosts IP, its costs you more effective health. I'd have to verify that it scales in a linear fashion but over 18 gems (a fairly standard set) thats giving up 792 health to gain 141 absorb (a ~650 health net loss!) and 48 tooltip dmg for MS.

I think str/stm is a stellar choice (depending on output from other players, nach) but its not the survivability choice. That 48 tooltip dmg is really appealing though.

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