BiS Alliance Mage


Hi im looking for a chardev or even an armory link for a BiS mage arcane or frost for BiS alliance faction without faction changing. Please and thank you.

Regards, Pierce
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I think mine is almost BiS;
Fiyaa @ Shadowsong - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
As of right now Im 1 gurubashi away from double AGM, so Im really only missing Mindthrust Bracers. There are some things I'd switch around if I was doing premades, but in random bgs I try to keep my stamina high.

I guess wand is debatable, and honestly I would use Firebelcher in random bgs, it just wont drop.
imo get 7 stam as main enchant on ur boots, swap for minor speed when being chased/chasing someone

puttin on boots while in combat is kinda hard m8
since when does chasing/being chased include being in combat?

well i mean if ur arcane your probs keepin barage on cooldown to maximize the redgemdps n lets be honest here, hunters galore plus every other class that be mobile.

so again why 7 stam plz xplain
didn't you read? for when being chased/chasing someone. If EFC runs up ramp and you're down infront of tunnel it's probably a good idea to swap to your minor speed-boots.

TL;DR: if the's too far away for barrage swap boots. what's the hard part with that?

What if you get opened on by a rogue?
Omg, i forgot all of those abilities instantly dropped combat :\
Serpent Gloves, then you're BiS alliance.

lol forgot about that 2 armor :/ have had these since before transmog because serpent gloves look disgusting. guess i will get serpent gloves though, tough part is finding an enchanter with 16sp

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