BiS 80 DK need help


I am thinking 2h frost or unholy for BG's, any suggestions?

I need to know about all the things i have to get from Cata areas coz i only have 10 days of trial to get all those things.
unholy sucks, that is all
4/5 s8 + s8 feet, rest cata (quest vash for cata belt, then farm blackrock+throne for the rest)

i personally like to gem some resil to avoid getting oneshotted.

get alche+ingi.

idk about specc etc. :<
So what i mostly want is more quest gear and almost no pvp gear? So the damage to defense ratio is highly swinging in the damage direction?

P.S. Off topic btw @Peatt Children of Bodom awesome band, melodeath forever!
only get resil gear if youre solo queing w/o heals

if you go with friends or esp with healer(s) then go full out pve mastery gear as frost spec and just HB peeps to death yo
no not even all pvp gear. 4/5 tops, maybe an offset piece or two. gem str, go for offset gear with mastery, reforge to mastery. you have to balance your damage output against intake. but you could get 1200 resil and its not gonna help you cuz you wont be able to kill anyone and they'll still be hitting pretty hard on you
I definitely agree with unholy sucking .... my main 80 twink is my DK. I play frost most of the time but vs 84's and terrible 85's I play blood. I have tested unholy out and did not like it one bit ... it's not near as how it was in s6/s7 hah
There's a huge difference... Frost does way more DPS, and on top of that I just didn't like the play style ect. I messed around with Unh in wotlk, was always either 1h/2h frost
I don't recall of what my DC was hitting for to be honest so I'm not completely sure but pet dmg of course was decent due to dark transformation
Eh I'm guessing with gargoyle and dark trans u could burst people down. But that's only With dark trans
Yeah I just favor frost more by a long shot .. as OP as it is .... pre recent frost nerf If my weapon proc/trinkets lined up I'd get 32k frost strikes... now roughly 15-24k
I always loved 2h frost, so i am just happy that its the best spec atm. As far as unholy goes, well lets just say i don't like waiting for CDs to be able to kill something.

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