EU <BGsNeverPop> Stormscale (H)


Old Fart
We are a guild based on Stormscale Horde that are currently recruiting more members to join their rosters! They have a very active guild roster around the clock, their guild master is a very friendly and self motivated individual that strives to make our guild as big and as successful as possible. If you are an existing XP locked level 19 player or you are looking to join the community and are here to find out where the best place to roll for a horde player is, you have come to the right thread!

Why should you join the guild?
- Friendly Community
- Funding
- Guild-events
- Wargames

How can you get funded?
You will get funded in return for farming materials for the guild, this can range from farming: Spider's Silk, Iridescent Pearls and various herbalism materials. You can also get funded by buying BoEs & Enchants from the guild bank, we offer a cheap price for guild members. Funding is only possible if the guild sticks together farming the items/materials that is needed.
Note:The amount of materials you'll need to farm will depend on how much gear you need.

Guild Events

We currently do in guild 3v3 tournaments which have a cash prize depending on how many parties join, with usually six or seven teams. The prize pool is normally 3k per team - The money adds up quickly. The PvP-Events are casted on the BGsNeverPop twitch channel, so everyone can spectate the games live.

We plan on creating a team for friendly war-games and hopefully competitively in the upcoming EU Twink Cup. We therefore need YOU, so we can become the best guild in the bracket.

Guild Master: Cowbites
Battle Tag: Ellis#2639

Guild Bank Moderator: Glen
Battle Tag: Imabeardruid#2976
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Maybe an idea to tell new recruits the meta of the gulch. I see many new players running around no clue what to do so if u tell new players how to play their chosen class, that'd be so sick!

No shots, just trying to help!
Maybe an idea to tell new recruits the meta of the gulch. I see many new players running around no clue what to do so if u tell new players how to play their chosen class, that'd be so sick!

No shots, just trying to help!

That is so true, but you know that some people just don't listen no matter what. They might even listen and do what is correct for one game, but then they tend to go retard again. But thank you for the feedback.

There is much to be done, but at least queues are popping, without the queues there would be no place to improve.

I would thank @Blackout for being such a great support & teaching some of the plebs what to actually do. And I think that Buns is doing a great job as well, streaming and promoting EU for once.
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