BGs popping XP off

If you really want to play 29 do it on classic you will have faster queue times and an overall better experience because you'll be queuing with levelers.

Playing 29 in retail not only makes you look like a noob but it discourages 20's from queuing and increases the queue times drastically.
You should make a 20 and be a more useful member of the community.
The less people playing locked 29's in the restricted F2P 20's bracket will bring more players back.
If you really want to play 29 do it on classic you will have faster queue times and an overall better experience because you'll be queuing with levelers.

Playing 29 in retail not only makes you look like a noob but it discourages 20's from queuing and increases the queue times drastically.
You should make a 20 and be a more useful member of the community.
The less people playing locked 29's in the restricted F2P 20's bracket will bring more players back.
Cry on a soap box elsewhere. All these 20 twinks laughed at other brackets as they died and now all you can do is whine about others flourishing.
Cry on a soap box elsewhere. All these 20 twinks laughed at other brackets as they died and now all you can do is whine about others flourishing.
Please tell us more about your daily struggles because at the end of every argument
you and all the other 29's are 100% in the wrong when trying to justify your place in the free to play 20's bracket.
The only reason you're here is to abuse restricted players and need the 9 levels of advantage.
Play with the restrictions of a 20 or gtfo.
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Please tell us more about your daily struggles because at the end of every argument
you and all the other 29's are 100% in the wrong when trying to justify your place in the free to play 20's bracket.
The only reason you're here is to abuse restricted players and need the 9 levels of advantage.
Play with the restrictions of a 20 or gtfo.
You are so out of touch and I’m assuming new. 25, 27 and 29s can and often are old 60, 70 and 79 twinks. Just like when blizzard removed us from bgs because levelers were crying. Blizzard finally did the same to the 20 twinks who liked to hide behind a veil of “bUt wE aRnT TwInkS oR stRonG”. Welcome to twinking, make the strongest character in a bracket and smash. As many old 20s used to say when our brackets died. “GO WARGAME! And stop crying”. And I don’t play retail anymore, but I sure do love watching screen shots from my old 70 and 79 twink friends playing like they should have been able to do for as long as you could.
Hi Alk,

I didn’t make this post to upset anyone.

Like you I have actually been through many bracket changes through the years of Wow twinking, one of my 20s is actually a classic 29 with tidal charm etc, and my 29 is an old 70 twink all of these were long before the
development of 20s.

I don’t feel like I should have to give up any bracket just because of something that changed that was out of my control.
To be honest I’d welcome anyone into the bracket because for years we literally didn’t have anyway to play bgs at certain seasons.
There are such a minimal amount of people playing twinks now, I think the toxicity that has been displayed is a good reason for people to not want to join in.

Please tell us more about your daily struggles because at the end of every argument
you and all the other 29's are 100% in the wrong when trying to justify your place in the free to play 20's bracket.
The only reason you're here is to abuse restricted players and need the 9 levels of advantage.
Play with the restrictions of a 20 or gtfo.
You are so out of touch and I’m assuming new. 25, 27 and 29s can and often are old 60, 70 and 79 twinks. Just like when blizzard removed us from bgs because levelers were crying. Blizzard finally did the same to the 20 twinks who liked to hide behind a veil of “bUt wE aRnT TwInkS oR stRonG”. Welcome to twinking, make the strongest character in a bracket and smash. As many old 20s used to say when our brackets died. “GO WARGAME! And stop crying”. And I don’t play retail anymore, but I sure do love watching screen shots from my old 70 and 79 twink friends playing like they should have been able to do for as long as you could.
Hello Blackberryy, I used to main a 70 twink dwarf hunter named Gloomshot in That Seventies Show guild. I also no longer play retail. I play lvl 19 twinks now in Classic Era and WoTLK for fun! Was wondering if you play any of the non-retail versions of WoW and when you left retail. 70’s will always be my favorite though lol
I think I’m gonna call BS on the majority of 29s are old 70s

I watched the hordes of people reroll for 29s as soon as the dust started settling last august

I absolutely do think it allowed some 70s the chance to BG on their old characters again - I just don’t think it was at all the majority of 29s activity

Most of the early 29s were the 20 vet premader squads, newer 29s are probably just new and don’t have a full picture of the history of things and are just looking to get into twinking at the most optimal level.
I doubt it.
also you might have missed my point completely.
your gf'd 25 is in a way restricted and not overpowered.
We were all here before you. And will be here after you. So much copium to keep telling 29s they can’t play in “your bracket”. As I said, welcome to twinking, blizzard finally decided to put you where you belong again.

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