[BG - Sunday 28/11]


I won't be able to play on Saturday this weekend so i'm only making this thread for Sunday. It's better if someone who is going to be there makes a thread for Saturday.

Unfortuneately we didn't get any BG's going on Wednesday. Perhaps the poll idea wasn't so smart cause I think it made some people queue earlier and then when they had waited for, say, an hour or so they left and that's when other people showed up etc. Also, the patch did add alot of new stuff to explore and so I guess some people wanted to do that instead.

Information regarding Sunday (this) BG event:

When: Sunday 28/11

Time to queue: 18:00-18:15 server time (since it's not a weekday I hope most of us can show up around 18:00)

And please log on IRC (link to IRC thread below if you haven't seen it) at or preferably a bit before 18:00. It helps to know how many we are and if any side is lacking players:


I hope we get some action on Sunday!
I might not be able to make it to 18:00 thanks to snowy weather... Hopefully I will be back atleast somewhere around 18:30-19:00!
I think we are lacking one single Alliance player... Trying to find the last person.
so theyve fixed the merge thing or somethings wrong here.
Well, me (Talnivarr) and another guy from Emeriss were also queuing during that time and neither got any game, and I know both of us were in queue for more than 20 minutes. All 3 of us are from the same battlegroup, Reckoning.

I've got no clue why he got into the game and we didn't. But it would seem to point towards faulty coding rather than just some type of priorization-systemet. Though I'm not aware of the physical locations of these servers, and that might have something to do with it.

But this didn't really grant us any new information, it just made it more complicated! :p

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