Bg item scales.


Hello folks. I like to do bgs with my 90 warr, and i've seen that every item on the game scales in bg, so i 've been playing with my sulfuras, and some weapons and trinkets. I think that a lot of items can be tested. There are a lot of old wow items which could be very useful into bg, because they scale, so... for example, Relic of Xuen provides strengt+ strengt proc, i havent tested it yet.
I tested Gurthalak, but tentacles's damage doesn't scale.

"Fury of Angerforge". This item scales extremely good, my dmg is insane when it is used, provides almost 700 strength.
Meavy "Hand of Justice" is useful for rogue, i dont know yet. I also would like to test "Bone-Link Fetish", or some high-end items from Wotlk or TBC.

In any case, this post is here to test those items, anyone which could be useful. If someone else is twinking or playing on this bracket, test them aswell because it is interesting.

I'm in this bracket since Draenor started and if someone got any questions, feel free to ask.

All items below 590 are scaled up to 590. So it doesn't matter if you have level 30 gear on you or 590 etc.
You can look for items with the perfect 2nd stats for you.
If you use items with sockets, they do count and make those items stronger than ones without.
Legendaries are good, yes, but not BiS 'cause @90 you have access to 620 heirlooms and 91+ Chars to 660 warlords crafted.
There are also 4 620 archaeology items.
The strongest level in this bracket is 98 / 99. They have access to alot 590+ gear which keep their scaling and they have access to all 4 class / spec perks.

I'm running old (raid) instances right now and will get a lot of old proc-items. I will test them out and report back later that week -> see how their procs scale and so on.
Do the new class perks work in pvp? Or is it like the the other draenor perks, that only function while in draenor zones?

It sounds like unless you geared a 90 during mop, (mythics/cloak/soo looms etc) theres no point staying at 90? It's possible the new 1-100 heirlooms will be as good as mythic gear, but i don't think they'll have set bonuses/cape proc. I'll see if i can dig up the post.
Do the new class perks work in pvp? Or is it like the the other draenor perks, that only function while in draenor zones?
All class perks work in pvp (open world, arena, bg). As a ret i have e.g. empowered divine storm which makes it free with 150% dmg and those procs are active and working in arena, bg ...
It sounds like unless you geared a 90 during mop, (mythics/cloak/soo looms etc) theres no point staying at 90?
Not really 'cause it is impossible to get BiS gear anymore :( and even if you have a BiS geared 90, you will get outgeared and "outperked" (like that word *g) by all 91+ twinks. Those 660 weapons hit like a truck.

And if you are going to do open world pvp you have to go to 98 / 99. Otherwise you will miss ( i don't mean stats / perks ^^) a lot and there is no way to gain hit rating / expertise.

At first I wanted to create a 91 twink but its not competitive. So I'm going 98 now. The gap is just too big.
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I'm in this bracket since Draenor started and if someone got any questions, feel free to ask.

All items below 590 are scaled up to 590. So it doesn't matter if you have level 30 gear on you or 590 etc.
You can look for items with the perfect 2nd stats for you.
If you use items with sockets, they do count and make those items stronger than ones without.
Legendaries are good, yes, but not BiS 'cause @90 you have access to 620 heirlooms and 91+ Chars to 660 warlords crafted.
There are also 4 620 archaeology items.
The strongest level in this bracket is 98 / 99. They have access to alot 590+ gear which keep their scaling and they have access to all 4 class / spec perks.

I'm running old (raid) instances right now and will get a lot of old proc-items. I will test them out and report back later that week -> see how their procs scale and so on.

That sounds nice, im waiting for hearing about these old item's procs...
So, cleared 16 raids
View attachment 4992
and got a shitload of items to test.
This one I can't test 'cause I can't wear it :)
View attachment 4991
Someone willing to do this for me? No? *grml*

I will enter bg's during the week and edit this post while testing procs, health reggen, attack power, resistance and other items.
For spellpower / spell items i will use holy and for all others protection.

Bonus Armor:
The Unbreakable Will - Item - World of Warcraft
-> 160dps/74Sta/47Dodge/197BA

The Seal of Danzalar - Item - World of Warcraft
-> 54Int/85Sta/54Res/216BA

Belt of the Sand Reaver - Item - World of Warcraft
-> 90Str/95Sta/37Dodge/169BA

Bright Coin - Item - World of Warcraft
-> 118Ver/325BA Proc

No, I'm not going to test them all out. I don't have the space for it and I don't have the will ... there are just to many items which should be tested. BUT finding an item which scales better than others. I'll let you know.


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The biggest interest to me is the old proc items of which older expansions seem to have a few of.

The removal of PvP power as well means that you don't need to rely on standard PvP items - though I've found many set bonuses to be essential (certainly as a healer)

The trinkets are the first port of call but any added bonus that is valuable is a good shout.
Postign from a perspective of a blood dk:
Okay belt of the sandreaver has since been nerfed, a worthy replacement is Verdigris Chain Belt that has 135 bonus armor but it probably makes sense to buy the crafted 91 plate belt.
the leather Lava Belt is not worth it, while it does add 200 bonus armor it is a negligable upgrade in atp compared to the stamina loss of the verdigris.
helm: i am using Felsteel helm rather than Steel plate helm, i prefet 7k more stamina than 200 atp.
neck: i have found Torta's oversized choker to be among the best with 159 bonus armor
shoulders: Volcanic Shoulders, they give 410 bonus armor, sadly they grant no stamina
back: cloak of warding,
chest: Runic Breastplate handsdown the best chest item, it grants 1217, sadly they dont have any stamina, recipe is rly hard to get so spam /2 for a crafter, second best chest is heavy mithril breastplate with 415 bonus armor
bracers: i am using green iron bracers that grant 281 bonus armor but the Arena vambraces are better i hear
gloves: heavy mithril gauntlet, 422 bonus armor
belt: Verdigris Chain belt
legs: runic plate leggings, they add 1217 bonus armor, no stamina here either
boots: dark iron boots of the bear, 518 bonus armor
ring: mok'nathal clan ring X2, 316 bonus armor
trinket1: knight's badge, 229 bonus armor, that's just the 1. stage, the 3. stage adds 303
trinket2: smoldering heart of the mountain, adds aroudn 400 bonus armor but is BOP and u need enchanting to craft it
weapon: using gargoyles bite 438 bonus armor as i cant get my hands on a decently priced Archaic defender which adds around 600 bonus armor

many items are lacking stamina so you have on average about 30-40k less stam than other players but your healing and damage is insane
if you are prepared to go all the way i would get a Steelforged Greataxe, it's dps outweighs the atp benefit of the bonus armor on archaic defender and i would change the verdigris belt to a crafted belt as it gives the least bonus armor among your items. together with the crafted tank trinket that makes 3 craftables.

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