BFD solo help

25 hit and trying to solo the arctic buckler, cant' take on more than 2X23 elites. died a few times and everything is respawning any idea on how long it takes for respawns?
I thought the respawn rate was like 20 min or so, but i have been known to be on crack.
I don't think the arctic buckler quest is soloable

after 1 hour of dying and letting the respawns come back and then another 1 hour and 39 min I finally gave up because I ran out of Rumsey and didn't bring enough healing pots with me. The shades are brutal, I did manage to pick up a treebark jacket as a consolation prize for my efforts.
Not a bad consolation prize.
well i will try to solo bfd with a level 29 prot warr full twinked

i think at level 25 you can t solo the last part of the instance

we had problems doing the last boss when we were in party...

but this bfd will be a training to me for Gnommeregan

i wana solo it

and then i wana see how far i can go in sm... library... and even try to pwn some mobs in sm lib

or join a party for armory :p

i think that PVE for twinks should be based on solo missions and time

i mean the best twink for pve is the twink that can solo an instance in the shortest time not the one who makes a party of 5 with other twinks and make a first kill.

you can t say a first kill of thermpluger... NOW... because it was killed 100.000.000 times before.
I had to solo part of bfd on my rogue, for a ring, and could only take 3 mobs at the time if I spendt my cd's, and focus kicking on the healers -_-

Goal was that human pala or shamman thing wich drops nothing special, but was needed for the quest.

Took about an hour or so. After that I moved further in and got to the part right before the orc boss, but quittet there.. I think u need to be at least two man if u wanna kill that boss.. or some serious free time on u hand.

... or maby go shamman xD
i will try to solo this and make a movie

i bet i will do it next week on spinebreaker Eu

It will be a little hard to get some gold to turn xp off cause i only have the twink 29 there... and then to get some gold to buy a few healing potions and some scrolls... and the glyphs, So i guess i will spend a day or 2 farming in deadmines or begging for gold in trade chanel, like usual :)

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