BFA weapons socket proc


New Member
Hi, I would appreciate if someone can confirm whether BFA dungeon weapons can proc or not for a socket at the moment. I've seen some armories with such procced weapons, but I'm farming an off-hand from Atal and a caster mace from Motherlode for 2 days and haven't seen procs even for a tretiery stat.
I actually start thinking that these items with socket proc are gf'd, or I am way too unlucky with getting one.
Weapons that I farm:
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As far as DF was concerned socket procs on weapons were GF'ed. Unless I missed some news I do not believe it to have changed.

That said you can get sockets on slots you are not supposed to -including weapons- (which are head, neck bracers, waist and rings) by getting the BFA rares. At least you could a month ago but with the changes to TWW I cannot guarantee you until I've tried but as soon as I can I'll keep you updated.

Back in SL the WoD rare drops that were obtainable several times (in the apexis cristals dropping areas) could proc a socket and I had a 1H mace and a bow that had a socket tho I'm not sure I'll find them. Maybe you can try this out too now that the ilvl will be competitive again.

For now I can show you some armories of mine with said socketed pieces of gearérie-du-thorium/Dürnir (Back, Trinket and Legs are socketed)ör (The weapon is socketed but I looted it back in SL. I also have the 1H I mentionned earlier on this char tho it is not currently equipped)
As far as DF was concerned socket procs on weapons were GF'ed. Unless I missed some news I do not believe it to have changed.

That said you can get sockets on slots you are not supposed to -including weapons- (which are head, neck bracers, waist and rings) by getting the BFA rares. At least you could a month ago but with the changes to TWW I cannot guarantee you until I've tried but as soon as I can I'll keep you updated.

Back in SL the WoD rare drops that were obtainable several times (in the apexis cristals dropping areas) could proc a socket and I had a 1H mace and a bow that had a socket tho I'm not sure I'll find them. Maybe you can try this out too now that the ilvl will be competitive again.

For now I can show you some armories of mine with said socketed pieces of gearérie-du-thorium/Dürnir (Back, Trinket and Legs are socketed)ör (The weapon is socketed but I looted it back in SL. I also have the 1H I mentionned earlier on this char tho it is not currently equipped)

Thanks for the info! As for rares I'm pretty sure it can still drop with socket as I've just looted a cloak with socket proc from a rare elite. Thus, I believe weapons also can drop

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