So what is Level scaling?
Basically, its what you saw in Legion normal dungeons: levels 100 and 110 can run the same dungeon, doing equal damage when they are both equipped with questing greens for their level.
But if 110 has exactly the same gear as 100 (f.e. leveled through invasions and has no gear). he will be doing less damage, and will be dying easier in dungeon, then 100.
In BFA this system is implified in wPVP. 110 can kill 120.
if 110 is geared properly and 120 just dinged his level and equipped with quest gear - 110 can win 1v2 vs two 120s
It felt a bit strange, but looked like a very good anti-gank system: you no longer can dominate with your level.
But what I tried to test is how powerful you really can be if you are low level aiming to get powerful
Unfortunately, I couldn't import my Legion character, so i needed to start with 185 ilvl green rogue.
When I finished, I was 112 with ~20% exp left till 113.
244 ilvl (when questing 112 is around 205-210 ilvl)
51k HP (when 112 usually has 35k and 118 has 51-52K)
What heppened next? Well, I was oneshotting everyone, and nobody was oneshotting me.
120s are dying like NPCs: 5-6 seconds to kill one.
Yes, some of them are in greens: those die in 4 seconds.
Some of them already have pretty decent gear, they still die cause 244 ilvl is just too much of overgear for 112 level.
No exploits: its just how system works.
What concerns me the most?
well, when BFA releases, we will be able to make a 111 rogue with 253-255 ilvl, 2 working legendaries (f.e. shoulders and pants), wpvp Antorus trinkets.
not even a challenge. Get my rogue, make a fast quest chain and you are already 111 with 2 azerite pieces and 253 ilvl.
(If exp turn off will work, can do a 110, even more powerful)
with current scaling it will be 111 a monster that rolls over 120s for month or two, until most of people will get HC raid and Myth+ gear.
I really love that Blizzard are trying to rez wpvp.
but the real reason why it finally died in Legion is oneshots.
Rogue kills you in a cheapshot. I mean, I personaly kill pretty much everyone in a cheapshot.
Pala kills you just sitting in bubble. Monk kills you in a stun.
for some classes there is no more "play" in wpvp: others just roll over you.
So I really want Blizzard CMs to share this information with the developers.
Keeping level/gear scaling as it is right now on Beta is a very bad idea.
You don't want low level to be twice as powerful as 120, no matter what gear he has.
You will probably see it when (or if) import function start working on Beta.
It will be very sad if you again kill wPvP idea in the first weeks of expansion because of the one wrongly tuned aspect.
REF: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17619582030
Just copied this from a post pertaining to BETA on BFA so that might be wishful thinking and observations. I'm still waiting on character copies..
Basically, its what you saw in Legion normal dungeons: levels 100 and 110 can run the same dungeon, doing equal damage when they are both equipped with questing greens for their level.
But if 110 has exactly the same gear as 100 (f.e. leveled through invasions and has no gear). he will be doing less damage, and will be dying easier in dungeon, then 100.
In BFA this system is implified in wPVP. 110 can kill 120.
if 110 is geared properly and 120 just dinged his level and equipped with quest gear - 110 can win 1v2 vs two 120s
It felt a bit strange, but looked like a very good anti-gank system: you no longer can dominate with your level.
But what I tried to test is how powerful you really can be if you are low level aiming to get powerful
Unfortunately, I couldn't import my Legion character, so i needed to start with 185 ilvl green rogue.
When I finished, I was 112 with ~20% exp left till 113.
244 ilvl (when questing 112 is around 205-210 ilvl)
51k HP (when 112 usually has 35k and 118 has 51-52K)
What heppened next? Well, I was oneshotting everyone, and nobody was oneshotting me.
120s are dying like NPCs: 5-6 seconds to kill one.
Yes, some of them are in greens: those die in 4 seconds.
Some of them already have pretty decent gear, they still die cause 244 ilvl is just too much of overgear for 112 level.
No exploits: its just how system works.
What concerns me the most?
well, when BFA releases, we will be able to make a 111 rogue with 253-255 ilvl, 2 working legendaries (f.e. shoulders and pants), wpvp Antorus trinkets.
not even a challenge. Get my rogue, make a fast quest chain and you are already 111 with 2 azerite pieces and 253 ilvl.
(If exp turn off will work, can do a 110, even more powerful)
with current scaling it will be 111 a monster that rolls over 120s for month or two, until most of people will get HC raid and Myth+ gear.
I really love that Blizzard are trying to rez wpvp.
but the real reason why it finally died in Legion is oneshots.
Rogue kills you in a cheapshot. I mean, I personaly kill pretty much everyone in a cheapshot.
Pala kills you just sitting in bubble. Monk kills you in a stun.
for some classes there is no more "play" in wpvp: others just roll over you.
So I really want Blizzard CMs to share this information with the developers.
Keeping level/gear scaling as it is right now on Beta is a very bad idea.
You don't want low level to be twice as powerful as 120, no matter what gear he has.
You will probably see it when (or if) import function start working on Beta.
It will be very sad if you again kill wPvP idea in the first weeks of expansion because of the one wrongly tuned aspect.
REF: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17619582030
Just copied this from a post pertaining to BETA on BFA so that might be wishful thinking and observations. I'm still waiting on character copies..