Best weapon for 39 warrior other then PoD and BaR

So I decided to make a 39 warrior but cant get PoD or BaR, ik the other possible ones but which is best? thanks in advance =). Also what would the best ret weapon be if i cant get those two.

Also i hear some ppl saying its LoA if so why? it has less stats and dps but is it cause of its very slow speed and top end?
Lumbering Ogre Axe for Horde, and Alliance has a similar blue, the name of which escapes me at the moment.

1. top end

2. speed

3. enchantable with Savagery

4. decent stats
BB is better than LoA when not get kited and LoA is better when fighting mage/hunter for example.

so both are good and viable choices in some situations. not telling us the race/faction will end up in "get them both". you can also get pacifier as warry. not so good as pally, due to no instants.

but all this you can find within a minute. what's the point here?
The point was I needed to know things like that. Every guide I looked at just listed the things I could get other then PoD and BaR. I wanted reasons and which is better then which.

I'm also a human
LoA is best option horde or alliance imo for a warrior. Bonebiter has slightly better stats, but will never hit as hard as the speed difference gives you with LoA. Obvious exceptions are the warrior skill that are based 100% on AP, in those cases you could use a lvl 1 grey and still hit a big execute ;p

The slower the weapon the better...this is one of the main reasons PoD is so good...its sooooo slow. Slow weapons scale much better with AP than fast weapons. DPS numbers on a weapon are a terrible stat to look at on a melee weapon. Speed + top end damage is your interest.

Id switch jacinths list to have speed on top with top end 2nd...unless there is a major disparity in top end damage amounts. Speed doesnt effect instant attacks so get the most out of your AP that you can.

No offense to the above posters...but "not getting kited" is a terrible thing to look at. If somebody isnt kiting a warrior in some fashion then they are bad and you should never ever base gear choices on playing vs bad players. Thats like saying "well, this priest I am attacking never moves, so I dual wield speedsteel rapiers cause its good dps."
Alteffour said:
LoA is best option horde or alliance imo for a warrior. Bonebiter has slightly better stats, but will never hit as hard as the speed difference gives you with LoA. Obvious exceptions are the warrior skill that are based 100% on AP, in those cases you could use a lvl 1 grey and still hit a big execute ;p

The slower the weapon the better...this is one of the main reasons PoD is so good...its sooooo slow. Slow weapons scale much better with AP than fast weapons. DPS numbers on a weapon are a terrible stat to look at on a melee weapon. Speed + top end damage is your interest.

Id switch jacinths list to have speed on top with top end 2nd...unless there is a major disparity in top end damage amounts. Speed doesnt effect instant attacks so get the most out of your AP that you can.

No offense to the above posters...but "not getting kited" is a terrible thing to look at. If somebody isnt kiting a warrior in some fashion then they are bad and you should never ever base gear choices on playing vs bad players. Thats like saying "well, this priest I am attacking never moves, so I dual wield speedsteel rapiers cause its good dps."

Yes exactly, a lot of people fail to realize that AP scales a lot better with slower weapons, and having a good amount of AP is verrryy important in making a warrior work correctly
no offense to the above posters....but "not getting kited" is something that happens. when you defend a node with a rogue/hunter and pally/druid/priest your enemy will be snared and snare effects can be removed from you.

why the hell would you ever take a weapon with less dps and AP in that situation?

sure, LoA is overall the better choice (if picking just one) and the best choice for horde...but it wont do more dmg on a still standing target or a FC that is not capable of gettin a distance. remember that there are some attacks based on AP. including essentials like rend and execute.

if you can manage to joust an enemy with MB+auto / OP+auto / WW+auto the LoA will indeed do more dmg while not taking that much. and that is also why the PoD is so good. besides this the PoD got a decent dps.

pacifier is not capable of an axe spec ofc and has a flat dmg instead of crit. shoveler is a very good alternative in caso of looks^^

btw, nightblade is not a good option due to dps, cause it is too fast to hit hard enough with MB/WW/OP. x'caliboar is something to look at if goin for a sword spec for fun.
Not getting kited...

If somebody isnt kiting they are terrible...

If you base arguments on terrible in turn are terrible...

Even if we take into acount the times where people absolutly cannot move for decent periods of time, you are still talking about a very small % of any given game.

Everybody can kite in some form or another, whether an FC or somebody defending a node...If an FC isnt kiting...then my god...what a bad FC. Roots happens, yes, snares happen, yes...but still the person is moving and kiting and bigger hits are better than smaller hits.

Feel free to do the math, but the amount of AP you are talking about (bonebiter vs LoA) is extreemly minimal in relation to the amount of Scaling you get from the Slower weapon. Easiest way to test this is to go in game...equip a bonebiter and a LoA with the same enchant and look at the top end damage AND the DPS number after it takes AP and AP scaling into effect...

.5 slower weapon > 10AP...

"essentials like rend and execute."

Execute would benefit more from the 10AP yes...but Whirlwind, Heroic Strike, Overpower etc all gain more from the slower weapon speed and higher melee damage. Rend is also based off of weapon damage...soo..formula for which is "(0.2*5*MWB+mwb/2+AP/14*MWS) (based on weapon damage)" "Bleeding for 14 plus a percentage of weapon damage every 3 seconds."

LoA has higher weapon damage due to .5 slower > 10AP

DPS is a major faction for PvE events where the mobs hardly move and you can just whack away at them from behind...this virtually never happens in PvP and you cant count 1.5 second cast times or a few second roots to actually be a deciding factor.

TBH both of them are fine and will get the job done if for whatever reason you cant get something better but LoA is a better overall choice.
i did the math once and im not doing it again.

tbh, nobody can go wrong by not taking the BB and only focus on fighting with the LoA.

so yes, the last part of your post is what makes the difference:

LoA is a better overall choice.
BB sucks

Just to remind you. For instant attacks (Whirlwind, Overpower, Slam) [ITEM]Bonebiter[/ITEM] beats [ITEM]Lumbering Ogre Axe[/ITEM] because these attacks are normalized. Only for white hits LOA hits harder and this is only good when you're jousting/kited.
Tidal said:
Just to remind you. For instant attacks (Whirlwind, Overpower, Slam) [ITEM]Bonebiter[/ITEM] beats [ITEM]Lumbering Ogre Axe[/ITEM] because these attacks are normalized. Only for white hits LOA hits harder and this is only good when you're jousting/kited.

But AP will still scale better with the slower weapon, making you hit harder with abilities as well

only if youre swingtimer is heavy delayed the LoAs higher whitehits will result in more dmg. that is why i said "being kited" and stated more dmg for LoA "when jousting" can joust with BB also, but you have to manage it good to get significant more dmg out of the BB.
Elementary math solves the need to inject personal opinion (or childish flames) in to this thread.

The weapons


105 - 159 Damage Speed 3.40

(38.8 damage per second)

+20 Strength

+10 Stamina


105 - 158 Damage Speed 3.90

(33.7 damage per second)

+15 Strength

+7 Stamina

Attacks available to LOA and BB:

Normalized Attacks



Non-normalized Attacks


Heroic Strike

White Hits

and special cases

Rend: rends bonus damage is based on weapon speed and ap,

in the case of these weapons the difference in bonus damage per tick is <1 pt.

To solve

normalized_damage = base_weapon_damage + (X * Attack Power / 14)

where X is:

* 1.7 for daggers

* 2.4 for other one-handed weapons

* 3.3 for two-handed weapons

* 2.8 for ranged weapons

* weapon speed for non-normalized attacks

with 600 AP

(note all math includes a weapons inherent ap)











On average, the bonebiter will do roughly 2% more damage per hit with a warriors instant attacks,

while the LoA will do roughly 5% more damage with attacks that follow on the next auto swing.
I wanted to see a more realistic AP number going into these formulas so here's what I got with mine.

I put my AP (793 ap with BB, 783 with LoA, with shout) into these formulas and come up 25 more points for non-normalized attacks in favor of LoA and a 3 point difference with normalized attacks in favor of BB.

So I'd pick LoA =P
and now take into account, that the BB hits more often and that in a lot of situations not so much dmg is wasted due to overkill.

a higher dps is what it is. more dmg per second. heroic strike rank 5 for example adds 60 to the next swing. if you have enough rage, you can add these 60 dmg more often on BB.

at this point i want to come back to my further statement: "when not getting kited"

even jousting is possible with a faster weapon. its all about timing. get a swing timer to help you get a feeling for the speed of your weapon.
Thanks guys, this was exactly what i was looking for.

One last thing if i can afford 1 BoA

should i get BaR over LoA

or BoA shoulders over revelosh's
Bansil said:
and now take into account, that the BB hits more often and that in a lot of situations not so much dmg is wasted due to overkill.

a higher dps is what it is. more dmg per second. heroic strike rank 5 for example adds 60 to the next swing. if you have enough rage, you can add these 60 dmg more often on BB.

at this point i want to come back to my further statement: "when not getting kited"

even jousting is possible with a faster weapon. its all about timing. get a swing timer to help you get a feeling for the speed of your weapon.

idk if i would argue with ari....hes pretty much the authority on warriors in reckoning. So i beleive him!

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