Best USA twink server?


Hey i'm new to twinking, just made this character yesterday been working on it all day. Trying to figure out if i should move it to a popular twink realm to help me gear or what. I need to get [item]Arena Grand Master[/item] and [item]Lucky Fishing Hat[/item] still. What are the good twinking realms in the US?

Advice on making my twink better would be helpful also. I've been following the guide on this site.
Before transferring atleast get AGM if your server isn't high populated or twink populated. It will make your job a lot more easier.
bankbeauty said:
Before transferring atleast get AGM if your server isn't high populated or twink populated. It will make your job a lot more easier.

i've tried theres like 5 85's there every time.
curleypwnsu said:
Elune, Azaglor, GArona for ally. Horde Arthas, Zul'jin, Bleedig Hollow, Bloodhoof.

I wouldn't join waw tawent on bleeding hollow. From what I heard they expect you to be "perfect" and will prolly /gkick you if you play with your food.
lipeckiz said:
I wouldn't join waw tawent on bleeding hollow. From what I heard they expect you to be "perfect" and will prolly /gkick you if you play with your food.

Why would a 19 twink guild formed solely for premading the best expect anything but perfection?
Not quite sure where you're going with your gear, really doesn't seem as though you're following any guide. You're specced holy but seem to be gearing prot, what exactly are you trying to do?
Rivfader said:
Not quite sure where you're going with your gear, really doesn't seem as though you're following any guide. You're specced holy but seem to be gearing prot, what exactly are you trying to do?

oh sorry lol. I was prot when i made this post but decided to go holy, so i'm working on getting holy gear now.
Ah, then I suggest you take a look at eliot's guide and remember that with VERY few exceptions you want to choose mail over cloth or leather. Use 10 haste to gloves and 9 stam to bracers, spell power scales very poorly for hpalas. Before xfering I would grab BoAs for every set you would use on you're pala, make sure to grab the wintergrasp shoulders and mace. You're gonna have to get farther along with your holy gear before anyone will really be able to point out any mistakes.
if you don't mind could i get somebodies real id that's experienced so i can ask them for advise if i need it?
Silinrul said:
Why would a 19 twink guild formed solely for premading the best expect anything but perfection?

Well I xferred there, race changed because Pizza told me to, then wasn't allowed in because of ONE STAT POINT. I call that either trying to troll me out of 50 bucks irl money, or being assholes. Fuck that guild, fuck Bleeding Hollow, I have since xferred off.
lipeckiz said:
I wouldn't join waw tawent on bleeding hollow. From what I heard they expect you to be "perfect" and will prolly /gkick you if you play with your food.

Correct, we do don't play with our food (Alliance), we eat them and if you're not perfect then don't even bother putting in an application or contacting us. Also, judging by the way you, Gibsondude, type, you wouldn't fit in well with us.

Silinrul said:
Why would a 19 twink guild formed solely for premading the best expect anything but perfection?


Lawlpurge said:
Well I xferred there, race changed because Pizza told me to, then wasn't allowed in because of ONE STAT POINT. I call that either trying to troll me out of 50 bucks irl money, or being assholes. Fuck that guild, fuck Bleeding Hollow, I have since xferred off.

This a perfect example of what will happen if you transfer to our server before contacting us and getting our approval.
Pizza said:
Correct, we do don't play with our food (Alliance), we eat them and if you're not perfect then don't even bother putting in an application or contacting us. Also, judging by the way you, Gibsondude, type, you wouldn't fit in well with us.


This a perfect example of what will happen if you transfer to our server before contacting us and getting our approval.

I asked you about a month beforehand, you said yes. We knew eachother from Cyclone, I asked and you said yes. Don't play dumb with me bro, I don't care if you are some sort of twinking "God". You said yes, then about 5 people told me after I spent all that money that you were just trolling me. Get off your high horse, that was a dick move.
Pizza said:
Correct, we do don't play with our food (Alliance), we eat them and if you're not perfect then don't even bother putting in an application or contacting us. Also, judging by the way you, Gibsondude, type, you wouldn't fit in well with us.


This a perfect example of what will happen if you transfer to our server before contacting us and getting our approval.

lol dude you live in arizona? me too.
Lawlpurge said:
I asked you about a month beforehand, you said yes. We knew eachother from Cyclone, I asked and you said yes. Don't play dumb with me bro, I don't care if you are some sort of twinking "God". You said yes, then about 5 people told me after I spent all that money that you were just trolling me. Get off your high horse, that was a dick move.

Gear requirements must of changed as new gear was released. Bottom line is if you don't have the gear I want you to have you won't get in. Even if you meet every other requirement. I follow my guidelines closely and don't make exceptions for anyone.

I was never trolling you. I have no reason to troll anyone. I told you exactly what you needed to get in. If you got it, I would of invited you. Since you didn't, I didn't invite you. It's really that simple.

gibsondude said:
lol dude you live in arizona? me too.

Yes, I live in Phoenix.

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