Best trinkets for a fury warrior twink

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Hello guys, i am new here and i just started to gear my twink character, and wanted to know which are the best items for a fury warrior twink, i have seen some videos, but i would like hear what you have to share too

i am looking for trinkets mainly

some people listed this one here but seesm to be for agility users only, is there a war version somewhere ?
Can you at least tell us what your lvl bracket is?

(nb4 its 11)
hmm, what you mean by that ? My character is Capitanazo from Gilneas

also, i just got the halmet of constructor, not sure if is better than the green one from the burning crusade, i heard it can drop with place for an extra gem but that sounds too hard to get, if the item alone is hard, hoping to get it with an extra socket is harder
he means what level bracket do you play in, ergo what is your character level
oh, yeah, i am a lv 11 warrior, by the way, i just saw he has the links to his twink toons too, his gear is awasome, why not even pages like twinks guides suggest some of the stuff he is wearing ? not even mention it, i saw videos too, all talk about the green halmet of burning crusade but never mention the one he has
Can you at least tell us what your lvl bracket is?

(nb4 its 11)
okay,i just tried to enter the Auchenai cryps the place where you get that helmet you have and i cant, i tried by selecting chromie burning crusade time line and still cant

it says i must be lv 15, how did you get that halmet ?

edit, ooohhhh, you are lv 20, that explains it, hmm, then any best in slot for a lv 11 twinkie ?
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