Best thing to have as a 85 right now?


Currently I have the following 80s to be leveled to 85. Which should I put my focus on if I am to play end game PVP

Surviv Hunter

Prot Paladin

Sub Rogue
sub is bad for rogues. The damage is not scalable to the bad that mut puts out.
Sub is not bad and it's dmg got buffed.

But if you compare classes instead of specs, I whould go Rogue>Paladin>hunter (imo).
Imo still not as good in arenas, Im going to keep my main mutilate. but go Marksman on your hunter and youll kill almost anything. Its crazy OP haha
I decided to level my prot pally and my hunter. For the hunter it seems that Survival is better then MM, am I wrong?
Holy Pally are almost invincible in PvP. Same thing goes for healing prot pally, so yeah, if you want to heal and do PvP, go go pally
I went with a rogue as my 85 and so far dont regret it at all. I switched from sub to mut for pvp though and have alot of fun doing heroics as a combat rogue.
MM or Survival Hunter for 85 PVP?
Eklypse said:
MM or Survival Hunter for 85 PVP?

survival(I think) but honestly atm hunters are trash. play sub on your rogue. its amazing. and if you can afford it, get unheeded warning.
Evade said:
survival(I think) but honestly atm hunters are trash. play sub on your rogue. its amazing. and if you can afford it, get unheeded warning.

No hunters is not trash anymore, MM is really nice!
Ive seen DKs get rolled by Pallys, with ease I might add.
prot for pvp right now is ridiculous. if you spec it right you have the survivablity of prot but great damage. survival is better because kiting is more easily done(conc shot being op and all) i find it harder to cope with surv on my holy pally then mm because i can just get behind them by the time they cast AS.sub has good stunlock, combat is good if u go for long periods w/0 stealth, and muti's dmg is very nice. Between all the classes and specs its really your play style that matters
DK damage can not compare to Ret Pally damage atm which is why i'll be running RDruid/Ret Pal/Hunter 3s once I hit 85. the best part about DKs was their mobility, but a ret pally provides the same exact thing through freedom and that talent that i cant remember the name of.

soggy said:
survival is better because kiting is more easily done(conc shot being op and all) i find it harder to cope with surv on my holy pally then mm because i can just get behind them by the time they cast AS.

What the fuck am I reading right now...

As a HPal you should have more of an issue with MM hunters seeing as how you can dispell both Black Arrow and Serpent Sting in a single GCD.

Conc Shot is extremely dumb right now, it doesn't matter what spec you are. Regardless of whether or not you're Survival, the duration of the slow is longer than the CD.

Getting behind the hunter before he gets Aimed Shot off? You must be playing with some terrible hunters if they don't know how to turn themselves around...

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