Best. Rogue. Vid. Evar.


the duels were alright but imo pretty boring

the arena parts had terrible opponents

also rogue rogue is stupidly overpowered

sp/rogue same as above
I watched some of it, I thought it was alright.
"All arenas are ordinary clips vs low rated opponents"

nothing to see here folks, move along
The editing was really good considering it was his first movie.. but a 40 min long video watching a rogue.. no thanks, i skipped around to see his editing of the movie looked good.. most of it atleast :)

And uhm, on live servers if you vanish when a death coil or pyroblast is coming towards you, you still get hit right?
no, or at least you could. been done before in vids
meh.. i think its just a bug since he's on a private server if im not wrong.. cant believe the author dont think 40 min of watching him gets boring..
i thought it was the tournament realm. thats a lot different then private. and it wouldnt be a bug since you can just vanish it before it its you..spells do have a travel time.

but hey "'All arenas are ordinary clips vs low rated opponents'

nothing to see here folks, move along"
yea i thought it was the TR but why would he be playing the TR @ lv 70? I mean.. people does that? o_O
Not a bad video, but I cringed at 7:10 when he sapped the prot war to get off a bandage when the war had berserker rage up...really? tsk tsk, should have cheap shotted for the duration of the bandage + more talent points in the opener.
Neilyo 14 , There is and never will be a better rogue video. PERIOD.


Real TBC players would know that neilyo is the fucking bomb. :)
Man.. and here i thought it was a new video >.<

You could've told me it was a vid from back then... >.>
Or is it? TR is a private server, atleast it looks to be.. i'm confused, is this a vid that was made back in bc or is it a vid made now on a private server.?
twas all filmed on private serves. video sucks
private server sucks, vanishing deathcoil etc is mostlikely a bug and theres mostlikely a ton more bugs that affected his gameplay aswell..
Cuddle said:
private server sucks, vanishing deathcoil etc is mostlikely a bug and theres mostlikely a ton more bugs that affected his gameplay aswell..


and no there is not many bugs on the private server and the few there is were nonexisting in the video
you can vanish anything that has travel time, but it takes a 6th sense to do it consistently. did he shadowstep a deathcoil though? i didnt know you could do that.

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