Best rogue racial?

Hey i'm currently thinking about making myself a 29 rogue and i'm finding it hard to choose between all the different classes there is to choose from.

I have never really played a rogue so i don't really know what comes in handy and what is basically good. Anywho if anyone has an oppinion on what race they think is the best for a backstab rogue or any rogue in general please post because it would be of much much help THNX :D

BTW i'm rolling horde, but if you want to chat about ally class thats fine to :D

ALSO here is the chardev i have come up with so far, feel free to comment on this to ALL HELP WELCOME!
Yeh i was leaning towards orc for a while but on my battlegroup i hardly ever see 29 orc rogues so i was thinking am i missing something.
Depends what you want to do really.

If you want to arena a lot, you might want undead. If you're more of a wsg person, go orc.

Alliance should really always go human. Before humans got their trinket racial, gnome was good too (and is still viable, but not as good as human.)
What about trolls?

Is the berserking racial any good?

Like would berserking make poisons proc anymore when activated?

And the trolls flippin out seems nice against hunters etc etc
Nah, with Glyph of Crippling you'll have it up 24/7, so Berserking is not needed. I always liked female UDs the most. WotF is just too nice against priests and locks, Cannibalism saved my ass quiet a few times. And the looks just work WAY better for me. I hate Orc Rogues. :D

Edit: make sure to get thrown weapons aswell.
Bezerk said:
What about trolls?

Is the berserking racial any good?

Like would berserking make poisons proc anymore when activated?

And the trolls flippin out seems nice against hunters etc etc

I play troll, but that's just my personal preference,I know the racials quite inferior to the other options, but meh, I enjoy my friggin out-the-getto drug dealer with a knife
Hmmm are thrown weapons really that important, only plus i can see is when someone is bandaging or if someone is ver low on health.

How often would one even get in that situation?

Edit: i'm still oh so confused about what class i should pick : s
I rolled a blood elf rogue and haven't been disappointed. A lot of people over look them because the only Mana Tap/Arcane Torrent mechanic was kind of clunky. WotLK got rid of Mana Tap and just rolled the effect into Arcane Torrent making it much more effective.

I know people will still favor Orc for Bloodfury (better than Berzerking, btw) and Undead for WotF, but having an 8 yard AoE 2 second silence that, not only require no energy to use, but actually restores 15 energy is really nice. Can't tell you how many times I lacked the 25 energy for Kick, used AT, then had enough energy to kick their next spell cast. Nice combo.
You're making the choose harder WSG hehe, cause looks really handy against a casting class such as warlocks etc : )
Bezerk said:
You're making the choose harder WSG hehe, cause looks really handy against a casting class such as warlocks etc : )

Undead is a much better anti lock choice tbh. You should be able to lock down a lock with kicks and gouges. Save your energy, you dont always have to be spamming bs/ss.
my main toon is a NE rogue, never did well in any of the BGs (but was never geared either). have a gnome in the works mostly for the engineering edge
Twinkytoes said:
Orc = Horde

Dwarf = Alliance.

Why would you even think about rolling a dwarf rogue??

Human wins hand down imo, extra trinket slot, 2mins cooldown 'insigna', +1% Crit with maces and swords, and Perception, that will get you all the openers vs. rogues (along with other +stealth stuff).

If you go horde orcs are nice for Blood Fury and lower stun duration but that will NEVER beat humans.
Concerning throwing weapons: You pointed it out yourself. Nobody likes losing due to gear choice. Just get them and equip them against kiters.
Female UD imo. That or Male Troll. (Berzerk racial changed to a flat 20% haste, pretty good imo)

Orcs can make good rogues but i hate their animations (no style at all) and i couldnt stand watching them do that psudo-dwarf run animation for hours at a time and not want to kill myself.
just consult my handy guide for best twink race for each class:

paladin: human

warrior: human

rogue: human

warlock: human

death knight: human

mage: human

priest: human

hunter: race doesn't matter, you'll own as every race

druid: uhhhh, you don't get to choose. only 1 per faction

shaman: don't get to choose for alliance, war stomp for horde ofc

easy and streamlined
I would say Gnome > Human for a 29 rogue - 2x snare removals (3 if combat), and the engineering bonus allowing the use of Mortars and the Goblin Rocket Helmet.

For Horde, of the 4 races available, everything but a troll is a good choice.
[quote name='darzk']2x snare removals (3 if combat)QUOTE]

Escape artist - Trinket - Vanish

Hummm which one have to be in combat?
Thnx everyone for comments : )

So anywho i think i might be making myself a Orc Rogue (for flag capping) so now it's just a matter of choosing a name. The theme i usually go for is something with Bez or Bezerk in front, for example my last twink i named Bezerkhealth because as you can guess he's a stamina whore. I have never played a rogue before so i really cant think of anything that i could put on the end of Bezerk so...... if anyone has got any ideas that would be sweet THNX : )

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