Best racial for a druid Twink


I normally go Lightforged draeni for the huge aoe damage at level 10 but obviously druid can't do that.
What would be best for Resto druid cat swipe build?

KULTIRAN incresed vers
NIGHT ELF crit/haste (depending time) and meld
WORGEN crit and speed racial

HM TAUREN vers and charge
TAUREN crit, stun, stam
TROLL haste berserk cd
Z TROLL heal and loa ? (not sure never tried this racial)
I think the general consensus that for twinking shadowmeld is the best (for any class that can do NE) because it lets you run through an instance faster by allowing you to skip pulls. Personally I just pick what I like as opposed to what's most effective.
I think the general consensus that for twinking shadowmeld is the best (for any class that can do NE) because it lets you run through an instance faster by allowing you to skip pulls. Personally I just pick what I like as opposed to what's most effective.
Trying HM Tauren for 2% crit 10stam and 90sec aoe stun

Bit of variety
Depends on which druid. PPL are saying night elf but this is only true when gearing or maybe for guardian druid.

Once you are geared for resto druid there is nothing more meta than worgen druid. Darkflight + cat form + dash + engineering belt lets you become the fastest twink avalibe at 11 in the game. When at around 190 intellect you are powerful enough when cat weaving to glory pull and kill packs with a few swipes while healing through the dmg. Shadowmeld becomes excessive.

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