US Best pug class?

For BFA, hunter or healer... (Legion was awasome. BFA killed pure F2P. I quited playing.)
-Hunter can kite melee's. Traps and pet debuffs are great tools. Still useful without strong enchants.
-A smart healer is always big deal in pug games. There'll be many idiot dps fotm players. You can be the guy that can make changes even without enchants.
Having pugged all of those in F2P, here's my opinion

Mw Monk - Druid like mobility and sustain but just... didnt really have the punch I was expecting. Lots of fun though. Im a terrible monk player so someone with an affinity for the class could probably make this work and have a ton of fun.

Ele Shaman - just straight up laughable damage. Decent enough utility kit but if your just gonna drop totem and occasionally heal someone, play a really aggressive resto shaman and be a god.

Rogue - the control is cool in small group situations but rogues are so ele force reliant that without it, it feels like you arent even doing damage. If I was only pugging WSG and made it my goal to be as annoying as possible, I would probably enjoy rogue but it really wasnt for me.

MM Hunter - fucking fantastic. Quality damage output but the CC is really why you're there. Pet slow, conc shot and trap. All on top of a really fun rotation, some good defensive CDs and enough damage to feel useful? MM is probably the one of these four I'd most highly recommend. I've been playing a bit more of it lately and having a blast. Especially when paired with an even somewhat aware healer? Its good stuff.
For BFA, hunter or healer... (Legion was awasome. BFA killed pure F2P. I quited playing.)
I’d agree with both these points.
Hunter or Heals (probably Priest the best) for pure F2P’s.
Also, Legion was definitely the X-Pac that brought F2P’s alive. I actually enjoyed the competition it brought with it.
BFA certainly got the non-paying customer nerf bat out again! :eek:

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