Best Priest & Rogue in the world Teaser Video!


Hey guys its best priest eu world here, just linking you my teaser video.. no editing - If you want editing go watch hydra 9 or some other shit dog movie.. full vid out this month..

Troll all you like I love it <3. Have fun and I hope you learn something dogs.
oh kool,cinema inc?

Np, I'm here all week

Big fail, but thanks for mirin'

Np, I'm here all week! Btw, was that you or Yow that you claimed had dc'ed on that fight? =P
HAAHAHAHAAHHAAHHA first arena AHAHAHAH guys are you a pigs? why did ya said no? but tell me then why you are screaming like a pigs???

you are bad.
My god 70 is easy if this is top 70 skill.

edit: the people you faced were amazingly bad aswell
roflmao they are playing with a 1600 mmr teams at 1700 mmr and talkin shit dere.

just wtf!

man you are very bad, playing against peope who dies in first min of arena? pfff.

P.S. and no its not about you kill em fast, its about they die like a shit cuz they are bad, almost the same as u are.
Yowxd said:
This was all in 1 night, the real video will be hopefully only containing all 2.5k MMR opponents and as I think my ISP sorted my internet will be able to stream aswell, the players were bad, 99% of the bracket is.

Also its not really about skill, its about peeling the high scaled damage with mediocre control.

Though we do play around in the games and generally enjoy the bracket as much as we can having control timer competitions i.e I control the CC target for 21 secs, he tries to beat it etc

Your obv a shitter or a troll aswell when you start with "best priest & rogue world". This was no skill this was just average 1.5k playing.
roflmao they are playing with a 1600 mmr teams at 1700 mmr and talkin shit dere.

just wtf!

man you are very bad, playing against peope who dies in first min of arena? pfff.

P.S. and no its not about you kill em fast, its about they die like a shit cuz they are bad, almost the same as u are.
Whats funny is that you have been proven to be bad many times on these forums so I don't see why you are trashing this guy. BTW whats funny is that you skey all the time in bgs and prob in arenas but I never see you in them its prob because your mmr is like 1500 but w/e
Yowxd said:
This was all in 1 night, the real video will be hopefully only containing all 2.5k MMR opponents and as I think my ISP sorted my internet will be able to stream aswell, the players were bad, 99% of the bracket is.

Also its not really about skill, its about peeling the high scaled damage with mediocre control.

Though we do play around in the games and generally enjoy the bracket as much as we can having control timer competitions i.e I control the CC target for 21 secs, he tries to beat it etc

what are you talking about rofl if the people let you guys CC them and doin nothing to yo?

what the fuck. omg i cant even read this peace of shit bout "GAMEPLAY, CC, WE ARE #1"

stfu and go farm loosers the same as you are newbs.
Whats funny is that you have been proven to be bad many times on these forums so I don't see why you are trashing this guy. BTW whats funny is that you skey all the time in bgs and prob in arenas but I never see you in them its prob because your mmr is like 1500 but w/e

who the fuck are you lol?

nice gear mate!


i dont remeber any bg i lost last 2 month and where i was not on top of the charts.

ah yes my mmr is 2600

"proven to be bad many times"? ait just proof it for now, any link or ss? no? are you still dere?

but its ok, skey? wut? are you sure human?
who the fuck are you lol?

nice gear mate!


i dont remeber any bg i lost last 2 month and where i was not on top of the charts.

ah yes my mmr is 2600

"proven to be bad many times"? ait just proof it for now, any link or ss? no? are you still dere?

but its ok, skey? wut? are you sure human?

You don't remember? lol alright w/e i've seen you in bgs so many times and again you would skey like crazy. 2600 mmr? rofl nice lie son! whats really funny is that you troll these forums almost everyday but when someone trolls/trashes you back you have nothing really to say
I'll see you in arenas bro and btw nice "BIS hpal" LOL 450 resil wrong gloves wrong shoulders wrong trinket
stay mad

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