Best priest race?

I'd be tempted to say UD and Human but I don't choose on which racial is best so it may not seem that obvious.
I think any 3 of the horde races are actually pretty equal at the moment. I will always prefer WotF just because of its importance at higher levels. But, even so, it's nice to have against other priests and warriors attempting to fear bomb a flag return.

As for alliance, I would place draenei a good deal above the others. Having an extra HoT and 1% increased hit is pretty nice. EMfH is probably better in premade games where CC is much more prevalent. But in everyday BGing, being able to trinket every 2 minutes as opposed to 5 won't always be helpful. And you're not saving yourself a trinket slot at this level.
Alliance: Human

Increased spirit means a hair more mana regen--mana is your biggest need

Bonus Trinket means you get to equip an extra BoA SP trinket, or a gnomish net for WSG

Stealth detection: maybe not so great against rouge twinks, but works great against level 28 rogues and druids creeping up behind you

Increased rep might even be a fun bonus, if you decide to go for ambassador or something

Horde: I would say Belf. . .

Arcane resit: better than all the other resists, cause it is a 2% chance not to get hit by spells AT ALL. And there are quite a few locks, druids, shammys, and other priests out there

Arcane torrent: AoE silence is never bad--when another priest runs up to you, and you know she is gonna psy scream--and your ward is already gone, this is what you hit. Plus, more mana--and more mana is always a good thing

Undead would be a close second though.
falksjf;laksjdfalsfj 10 characters

just consult my handy guide for best twink race for each class:

paladin: human

warrior: human

rogue: human

warlock: human

death knight: human

mage: human

priest: human

hunter: race doesn't matter, you'll own as every race

druid: uhhhh, you don't get to choose. only 1 per faction

shaman: don't get to choose for alliance, war stomp for horde ofc

easy and streamlined
shadowmeld FTW


extra trinket on human? damn dirty allaince.. that might be worth losing shadowmeld but idk
Twinkytoes said:
d w a r f .

not at all, since stoneform got nerfed, dwarf is the last alliance race I would choose, and only marginally better than trolls.

Mace specialization: As a priest--you arent gonna be hitting things

Gun special: priests can't use guns

Frost resist: not bad against mages, but nothing compared to nature resist (nelf) vs druids, rogues, and hunters, or belf vs. being hit by all spells

Find treasure: If you can find treasure in a BG, then I will take it back :p

Stoneform: This used to be really really good. But now it is only so so. Even so, it is ONE useful racial for priests--humans have 3
Screamforme said:
not at all, since stoneform got nerfed, dwarf is the last alliance race I would choose, and only marginally better than trolls.

Mace specialization: As a priest--you arent gonna be hitting things

Gun special: priests can't use guns

Frost resist: not bad against mages, but nothing compared to nature resist (nelf) vs druids, rogues, and hunters, or belf vs. being hit by all spells

Find treasure: If you can find treasure in a BG, then I will take it back :p

Stoneform: This used to be really really good. But now it is only so so. Even so, it is ONE useful racial for priests--humans have 3

Read and weep:
nearly all horde priests i run into are forsaken, and when they tag-team bubbles on each other are tough to crit down between psychic screams
Twinkytoes said:

Why would I weep--just cause you made a post? I happen to disagree with you. Dont get me wrong, I think SF is a great racial--just not as good as the human ones for a priest.

Here is my case:

It removes a dot or a bleed so you can LoS the person who hit you and bandage. This is a little less important for a priest than for other classes. Why? Because we heal ourselves. A bandage isn't our only option. Sure priests bandage, but in combat my first resort is my heals generally.

It removes a disease--kinda pointless, for a priest--since we are quite good at removing diseases ourselves :)

It removes rogue poisons--pretty great, except they can reapply them again in half a second. It has value if you want to try something like SF then swiftness pot away.

10% armor gained--nice, esp for a disc priest with Imp inner fire--but still not game breaking.

SF is best for hunters, great for rogues and warriors, good for paladins, but just not as good as the benifits of being a human for a priest--in my opinion. You are entitled to yours, but since you have no priest twinks, I am not sure if you are that familiar with the play style. That said, I have no dwarf twinks--but I have dwarf pally who I pvp-d with in every bracket, and SF was great, but I really noticed its usefulness slide when it got nerfed.
Human is by a long shot the best priest race. I'm not even talking alliance, I'm talking about every race overall. It's not even close. You have a 2 min trinket instead of 5, you get to equip an extra trinket with your agm (net, mortar, shrink ray, another agm) You get perception, which can be very useful, especially if someone is lagging. You even get the rep gain if you want to get exalted with all the factions, since you can turn off xp now.

Its not even close.


As for horde, its a tossup between BE and Undead. They both have outstanding abilities, and neither is the wrong choice tbh. I have a 29 undead priest myself, and I sometimes find myself wishing I went BE. Usually though, I'm quite happy with wotf =)

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