So thinking about making a priest. What are the best races (Alliance and Hord) for 29 twink priests?
just consult my handy guide for best twink race for each class:
paladin: human
warrior: human
rogue: human
warlock: human
death knight: human
mage: human
priest: human
hunter: race doesn't matter, you'll own as every race
druid: uhhhh, you don't get to choose. only 1 per faction
shaman: don't get to choose for alliance, war stomp for horde ofc
easy and streamlined
Twinkytoes said:d w a r f .
Screamforme said:not at all, since stoneform got nerfed, dwarf is the last alliance race I would choose, and only marginally better than trolls.
Mace specialization: As a priest--you arent gonna be hitting things
Gun special: priests can't use guns
Frost resist: not bad against mages, but nothing compared to nature resist (nelf) vs druids, rogues, and hunters, or belf vs. being hit by all spells
Find treasure: If you can find treasure in a BG, then I will take it back
Stoneform: This used to be really really good. But now it is only so so. Even so, it is ONE useful racial for priests--humans have 3
Twinkytoes said:
Twinkytoes said:Mana conservation... mana conservation.