Best players of each spec/class


Dedicated Guide Author
Hello, as some of you might know I'm maintaining this site TwinkDB. Recently I added the new builds section and its goal is to collect different builds for all specs to make it easy for rerollers or new people. I already collected some builds but it's far from done and I want to include more.
I'm sure there are some good players who probably never found this but could provide a build if asked nicely. The goal is to add various builds, not just 1 per spec. For example, a warrior could have arms, smf fury, tg fury tank, etc.

So let me know who are the best players you've encountered in BG, arena, open world, duels, whatever so I can ask them if they want to contribute. I'm not asking for simply well geared chars but players who have experience in their class and/or good knowledge of how it works.

An example:
Here we go.

Change title to "Input needed for my site".
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Good question! Here are a couple of examples:

This is how Chops and Conzil submitted theirs and it's perfect for me.


Ideally links to all items, gems, enchants, consumables, etc. Most can be copied from twinkDB as the links there are properly scaled.
The overlap between "talented, knowledgeable player" and "willing/able to write even the most basic guide" is pretty slim. So avoiding the clickbait, here's a list off the top of my head of people who know what they're doing, post on the forums at least somewhat frequently and also might be willing (and have the time) to write up a gear list for classes/specs you need

  • Tence might be willing to revisit his guide for vet HPal.
  • Juan has an incredible command of the bracket and could fill out... balance druid, DK and warlock builds for you (or anything, really)
  • Prague is a remarkably talented and nice guy, would be a good source for rogue and mage (or, also, anything)
  • Kracks is an exceptional Shadow Priest and Balance druid, though the "willing and able" thing might get you there
  • Andre wont admit to it but he's an insane WW monk. and the dude loves talking about gear.
  • FatBob seems like a cool guy and has an incredible MW monk and Destro lock though no idea if he'd write you a guide.
  • Chey is a pioneer of feral druids, would be worth asking him for that one.
  • Cignus has a pretty well pinned Enhance shaman and has a head on his shoulders for odd-ball, hipster classes/builds
  • Nocontest for all your hunter needs. dont know of anyone more experienced at the class.

I know you asked in the Arena and Wargames servers already and I hope some of those folks reach out to you. People like Krew, Wizkid, Bop, Oldspike, Fael, etc are all incredible but all also incredibly busy.
I'll give you my hunter build with notes and why everything is bis with item comparisons if u help me with some Lua coding/ teach me it
@aislingyngaio is a very good hunter, and in general quite helpful.
Chops and Andre are probably the two most involved in the community of anyone.

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