hmmm - actually putting down people that actually play atm. also, not putting down favorites. there's people I've mentioned that I don't talk to. I just think "best of each class" is kinda meh. What tells who's better than the other is positioning, sense of communication, people that don't overlap drs, can pve rotation, and kno when to burst at the proper moment or set up cc to achieve a kill. pretty much it, honestly. not much to the 29 bracket.
pally - I have no idea
mage - any1 that can press poly, be annoying with roots, n blink everytime u get close?
hunter - jesus
warrior - myself by hundreds of miles. Danimalz also is pretty decent
priest - hmmmm any1 that can juke kicks and then cast some heals
lock - ???? all i see is melee cleaves
shaman - no1 plays this class, so i have no idea. I just purely judge by playstyle. Phron?
druid - any that can kite -- egoxd, sodabepoppin, starnuke, & honorlo
monk - poonfist
rogue - any1 that can be annoying w/ saps n blind hmmm... so far I've seen paigexd, dimitri, ugh haven't really noticed anymore
tbh, any1 that has a brain & can understand what a "dr" is. also, w/ good positioning can easily multi-class at a way higher level than everyone else. I'm sure if hotpocketx, delayed, etc comes to play again. Players like them would fall under this list.