EU+US Best Hunter Spec


what is the best hunter spec? Pros/Cons of all the specs? What's the difference big difference between them? How close is MM and BM in damage and is Surgival even worth it?
I enjoyed my BM hunter to an extent, I personally wasn't a fan of it for PvE because it being a pain to pull with.
(Compared to my other twinks)
Best for what? Give us some specifics.

As far as I know, BM > other specs for most pve. BM > other specs for wpvp. BM < other specs for ipvp.

I only play BM so I cannot elaborate on much.
For PvE, here's what I can write up on MM whilst i'm in work, hopefully it'll help you a bit.

My mastery gives me about 63 Yards range & 232% increased damage, couple this with the Barrage talent it makes for some hilarious room clears, especially when Trueshot is active. Boss kills with Trueshot up can last anywhere from 4-10 seconds (My fastest kill is 2.03 seconds on Warlord in EoA) and without CDs i'd say 12-25 seconds depending on luck with crits/procs.

MM relies on Marked Shot procs from auto shot & crits. I'd say this is probably the worst part of the spec, RNG can really slow you down at times, although overall it's pretty consistent. Another con, movement speed is pretty poor when you're not running and gunning. Lots of my movement comes from Bear Tartare and the disengage talent Farstrider (15% chance on crit to reset Disengage cooldown). Though this isn't usually a problem in dungeons.

Personally I find BM boring and always have since wotlk. So MM has always been my go-to for Hunter so with the other specs, i don't have a clue how they compare as i've never seen a full geared Survival/BM hunter at 101 but i'd love to be told/see how it performs!

If you have any MM questions, let me know. If you're also on EU I can show you how it performs myself!

Hopefully this isn't too badly written and has the information you're looking for, wrote it up quickly in work!

Have a nice day. :)

Edit - forgot to mention, if PvP is what you're interested in i'd choose BM for sure. MM misses way too much.

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