Best FC in MoP?


Hiello peeps!
Ive been looking around but haven't found a thread about what you guys concider is the best 19 FC class in this expansion. So feel free to shoot out what class you think is best, and why.

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I have played exactly 10 15-19 XP OFF WSG Matches and 80% of them had monks FCing. I saw an alliance pally FCing 1x and a Horde War 1x.

I am sure some of the regular 19s will be able to answer this question better though.

I leveled a shammy in XP ON BGs recently and found that I did a good job FCing, but that was against levelers for the most part.
It depends if you want to go for a premade FC or for a pug FC.

For pugs, BM and druids (be it guardian or heal) are great FC, mainly thanks to their mobility as a speedcap is really efficient in pugs.
For premades, you can play with a BM if you go for more DPS in your team or for a prot warrior. (warrior is overall the "safest").
i prefer prot warr, as if u roll bm fc u cant risk grips at higher stacks.
Probably a human if you plan on rolling double AGMs. Dwarf could also be okay for the extrra defensive CD, or gnome for escape artist.
Pugging: BM Monk / Druid.
Premade (1 or 2 more dpsers): BM Monk.
Premade ("Conventional" Meta): Protection Warrior.

It's up to whatever you're bringing.
I can Vouch for Guardian Druids. They can withstand damage like a warrior with some pretty nice self healz, along with it comes a stun (Bear Hug). They also have mobility. I cannot speak for premades but guardian imo is #1 pug.
I can Vouch for Guardian Druids. They can withstand damage like a warrior with some pretty nice self healz, along with it comes a stun (Bear Hug). They also have mobility. I cannot speak for premades but guardian imo is #1 pug.

I would prefer a BM over a guardian imo.
casino is easily best fc of mop/past expansions
i think BM or druid r best for fcing warrior gets cut off to easy :( i havent touched a flag in like 4 days i dont even know what it feels like

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