Best FC class

Chi dont be a sarcastic fuck. For Pugs i would recomend paladin because you dont know how many heals will be in the game.
:( im sorry I wanted to bump his thread up in a interesting way

But now that mnkey mentioned it yeah a pally would probably be best, tence has a nice gear set but idk his spelling of name
what's the best FC class for pugs? i would also like a link to a good fc :) ty

For PuGs? Holy Paladins are more "user friendly" to newer Flag Carriers.
RDruids for those who have more in-game experience with FCing(IE: Learning how to do all the WSG jumps, knowing how to fake jump, knowing when to fight a wave of "inc" rather than kiting to a new location, etc etc".

For premading, I'd say warriors are best. They can sustain the most damage between Rdruids and Hpaladins. And this is only if the warrior has some dedicated healers(of course that is to be expected with a premade)
:( im sorry I wanted to bump his thread up in a interesting way

But now that mnkey mentioned it yeah a pally would probably be best, tence has a nice gear set but idk his spelling of name

I would say hpally only because there is less of a learning curve to be effective than there is druid (navigating tunnel roof, etc).
Paladins are the best by far.

And Priest over a Shaman? Pretty inaccurate. Mobility is key.

Warriors are really only great in PuGs if you have heals. And they're obviously the best in Premades.
the jumps are also important as any other class.

This is true, and I abuse jumps as much as possible but being that druids are underpowered atm you need to rely on said jumps to succeed most of the time. Hpallies don't need to as much since they have a few cushions I guess you could say in the form of WOG (with 3 charges) and LOH not to mention more melee mitigation.
I think druids are more of a rush to play tbh nothing like having to try to survive with mainly hots and swiftmend, druids are a challenge to play but i would not recomend one really because of the amount of gfathered gear that you need and most of it quest gear :/

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